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  1. Mr 816

    need help

    What r lumens
  2. Mr 816

    need help

    Ok what or lumens an do they look healthy
  3. Mr 816

    I finally got it uploaded pis to thread take ah look an let me know what u think

    I finally got it uploaded pis to thread take ah look an let me know what u think
  4. Mr 816

    need help

    rueu My first grow
  5. Mr 816

    need help

    Is the app in google play
  6. Mr 816

    need help

    Were is it I don't see ah tree smh lol
  7. Mr 816

    need help

    There about half the size I want them to be should I start now and how do u upload from mobile
  8. Mr 816

    need help

    I'm a month an ah half to two month into my First indoor grow when do I swith to 12/12 an how do o upload pics
  9. Mr 816

    need help

    I'm a month an ah half to two months in to my First indoor grow when do I switch to 12/12 and how do I upload pics
  10. Mr 816

    first grow

    It's my first indoor grow I have to plant they have been growing for- about 1an ah half to 2 months when when do I swich to 12/12 and how do I upload pics