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  1. Wikidbchofthewst

    I made a choice...a very tough one.

    He said that's the only thing he really thinks he COULD "control" -- he didn't say he DOES. Edit: and if you really don't want to be an asshole, why not just delete that post?
  2. Wikidbchofthewst

    thank you all for every thing

    It stopped! Woot! But anyways, yeah, I thought of that, but it didn't help. Probably because the pop up was being caused by the system being fucked up and not an actual pm. I mean I even deleted all my PMs so it would stop, but it kept going.
  3. Wikidbchofthewst

    thank you all for every thing

    My skin had been back to normal, now it's some strange combination of the default skin and blzin-07...weird. Hopefully they fix it soon, cuz this pop up about the PM EVERY time i load EVERY page is getting on my last fucking nerve.
  4. Wikidbchofthewst

    In my life..

    Or go for grants and scholarships that you don't have to pay back. And get a job.
  5. Wikidbchofthewst IS ALL FUCKED UP.

    WOOT WOOT! blzin-07 is back bitches! My Rollitup is still acting funny (giving me alerts for messages that don't exist, not updating my subscribed threads when there are new posts, or the forum list of recent posts for that matter...) But yeah, I'm just happy to see the skin I know and love...
  6. Wikidbchofthewst

    In my life..

    I would think that the worst decision you made in your life was taking out the loans...
  7. Wikidbchofthewst

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    Ok, i thought you were saying that noone posting pics was true...I was confused
  8. Wikidbchofthewst

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    Please explain, cuz that makes absolutely no sense to me...
  9. Wikidbchofthewst

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    But I won the bet as far as the post count and other people contributing goes :wink:
  10. Wikidbchofthewst

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    You mean like 99% of the threads started? :???:
  11. Wikidbchofthewst

    thank you all for every thing

    Rob, my love! :hug: I don't like this either, it looks ugly...but I figured it was a problem with the system, cuz I'm having a few problems, getting notices every page that I have a new PM that I deleted already....fucking irritating, but I'm hoping blzin-07 will be back soon. So kill yourself.
  12. Wikidbchofthewst

    I Hate Fucking Drug Dealers

    Do these friends of yours who are women know that according to you nothing good comes outta them except your dick?
  13. Wikidbchofthewst

    I made a choice...a very tough one.

    So fuck us if we didn't agree with you?
  14. Wikidbchofthewst IS ALL FUCKED UP.

    Yeah, blzin-07 is gone and I'm stuck on this default skin...when the skin loads at all. Right now the page is just all white with links floating around...
  15. Wikidbchofthewst

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    Doomed to ROCK :razz:
  16. Wikidbchofthewst

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    Oh yeah, the doomed thread that wasn't going to go further than one post...what post number are we on now? :wink: (edit: this is post number 748 :razz:) WTF is up with RIU? I logged in for the first time today and my skin is NOT blzin-07, it's that ugly sickly green one :spew: And I keep...
  17. Wikidbchofthewst

    I made a choice...a very tough one.

    I don't have a problem with people quitting, but quitting because your girlfriend is ignorant and you're choosing to bend to it? I dunno, I'd have more respect for you if you chose to stop smoking because you just didn't want to anymore, or because you need to piss clean, or something. But for...
  18. Wikidbchofthewst

    F@ck girls

    So don't. Have you no will power? Or dignity? Or self respect? I'm sure you do. So don't go back. Simple as that. It's like when women go back to men who beat them. Eventually I stop feeling sorry for them and start losing respect for them.