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  1. crazykoolaid

    Favorite Candy to eat while high???

    mmm milky ways, and the ice cream milky ways mmmmmmmm and long jongs from the store
  2. crazykoolaid

    giving rep

    I was goin to just got to give me
  3. crazykoolaid


    What does it mean to cure it, i thought after you hung it to dry you could smoke it... i see i have a lot to learn:wall:
  4. crazykoolaid

    giving rep

    ok how do you do that
  5. crazykoolaid

    Second Grow, Bagseed

    hey nice grow let me know ur
  6. crazykoolaid

    giving rep

    Ok i have posted some and people put please give rep whats that mean....sorry newbie here
  7. crazykoolaid

    Curing in Glass Jars

    ok is that after you hang to dry, sorry newbie here i just thought you had to hang it i guess i have a lot to learn
  8. crazykoolaid

    mold in dirt

    never thought of that, so would you hapen to know what mol looks like then just so i would have an idea next time
  9. crazykoolaid

    mold in dirt

    I was looking at my plants and i see like a crystal like what powder on the top of my dirt just arount the out side where the dirt meets the pot. anyone have this problem and what is a easy way to get rid of it can i get rid of it with anyhting i already have at home
  10. crazykoolaid

    Lots of yellowing and dead leaves *pics*

    some one told me that if you use nutes you can buy at Walmart you will get walmart weed, i thought they were wrong, some one else told me to buy the mg tomato feed
  11. crazykoolaid

    the staulk

    I woke up this morning and the two new leaves coming up have a red tint to them is that normal stress to?
  12. crazykoolaid

    the staulk

    they are inside plants and they might be in stress i just changed their lights to cfls from incodecents ( sorry sad speller) I water every four days, bu tthe other two that are in the same pot are not doing that, it just happened last night, bu tthe plant also loods healthy should i flush it or...
  13. crazykoolaid


    thank yo very much....your dog is so cute he looks like our brutus
  14. crazykoolaid


    What is a home remedy for mites, i think that is what i got but not sure and i want to do something cheap and home
  15. crazykoolaid


    its at about 70 i just though tit need more then that thanks for answering me
  16. crazykoolaid

    Black specks

    I get these little black specks on the bottom of my leafs, i can brush them right off don't look like a bug or anything
  17. crazykoolaid


    I am using cfls now but they don't kick out any heat for the plant should i be doing something for them to have heat?
  18. crazykoolaid

    My god it stinks, cannabutter. (Pics)

    dip that lobster in the
  19. crazykoolaid

    the staulk

    will get pics up in a few days