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  1. J

    Temps for Growing with LED

    I understood it to be the opposite.”LED’s emit no IR, so to achieve similar metabolic rates found in HID or greenhouse conditions at 78F air temp,LED growers need to run the room air temp at 83F-85F.”
  2. J

    LED temps

    Sorry for the duplicate posts. It errored on my first try
  3. J

    LED temps

    I’m new to growing, but am very excited. I’ve been doing a lot of research and decided to use LED but am finding some conflicting info on temps but this seems to be the most intelligent article I’ve found thus far... “When a leaf absorbs IR, it heats the leaf creating actual leaf temperatures...
  4. J

    Temps for Growing with LED

    I’m new to growing, but am very excited. I’ve been doing a lot of research and decided to use LED but am finding some conflicting info on temps... “When a leaf absorbs IR, it heats the leaf creating actual leaf temperatures of 5-7 degrees higher than the 78F degree air temperature. Thus with...