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  1. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    Hey what's up, I watered my girls with water and the nutrients I bought on Saturday night around 11pm. I just went and checked them today. The buds are filling out a bit more and the overall look of them is better but I'm concerned about the previously yellow leaves that I was having problems...
  2. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    How does she look? first time growing outside

    I've always wanted to visit California, Oregon, and Washington. One day I will. I'm stuck in the shitty Midwest lol. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Rollitup mobile app
  3. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Subcool hybrid super soil, opinions?

    I'm really appreciating all your information. Keep it coming man Sent from my SPH-L720 using Rollitup mobile app
  4. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Subcool hybrid super soil, opinions?

    So the amendments I add to my soil need to be non water soluble? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Rollitup mobile app
  5. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    This year so far...

    That's cool. I like the name. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Rollitup mobile app
  6. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    No yeah those two strains together would mind boggle people. Especially if you back crossed them.
  7. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    I read up on that Ed Rosenthal. Sounds dank. And of course G13 will be dank. Why don't you just order some g13 seeds from a seed bank And grow your self a mother plant that you can clone yourself and have around for as long as you'd like.
  8. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    I've noticed that g13 is hard to find in Colorado. I've looked everywhere
  9. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    There's this really good seed bank in some town South of Denver. I totally forgot what town it was I'm gonna look it up for you
  10. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    Hell no I'm in the shitty state of Kansas I will definitely be moving out there very soon though.
  11. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    Haha wow that's gotta be a shit ton of roots. I think I'll start with 50 gallon for now. For me until I can start a completely legal grow, I'm going to grow a few large plants but not as big as you're talking. When i move to Boulder I'll be growing big girls :mrgreen:
  12. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    OK awesome. I'm definitely going to be using all of your advice for next spring. Are 100 gallon pots completely necessary for plants that large or could something smaller suffice
  13. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    How many sets of leaves do you let her get before you top her
  14. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    This year so far...

    Very nice looking plants. If you could explain your training techniques that would be fantastic. Do you know what strains those are
  15. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    Do you top, fim or super crop your beauties?
  16. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    Organic 5-5-5 soil, worm castings and some guano. I've heard michorrhyzae and Azomite are also great amendments
  17. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    What do I need to add to my super soil next spring for my stalks and stems to be nice and thick like that
  18. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    How does she look? first time growing outside

    How does it have such tall side branches. That's incredible genetics.
  19. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Yellow edges, what nutrients do I need to supply

    Wow that is an amazing idea with the tree stump. I'm definitely going to be doing that to save a lot of money. Thanks so much for your help. I'd love to see more pictures of your current or past grows man.:eyesmoke:
  20. Bigbudsdrivemenuts

    Subcool hybrid super soil, opinions?

    I'm trying to think ahead early to next year and I'm really thinking I want to make my own super soil recipe. Nothing super crazy complex but a nice healthy balance on fungus and microbes feeding my soil and roots. So here's what I'm thinking. Next season my girls are going to be transplanted...