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  1. SlicePro

    Nirvana letdown V.3.0

    Yes, Alice was helpful with the last issue i had with germinating. Like I told her in my recent email, Im not looking for a free handout of any type, Id just like to get what I payed for, which wasnt bunk beans. Will keep thread updated with info as to what happens. Im in no way trying to bash...
  2. SlicePro

    Nirvana letdown V.3.0

    I figured id get that type of response. 1. Ive NEVER had problems with other seed banks. 2. The 2 Magnus Genetics Biddy i germed with the Nirvana FM BOTH germed in the same conditions in 18hrs. 3. Even the free UFO (DNA rocklock) germed. 4. Thanks for insulting my intelligence on the...
  3. SlicePro

    Nirvana letdown V.3.0

    Well Well Well, Ive placed 3 orders with Nirvana Seeds, 10 reg Blue Mystic. 1 germed, sprout later died 5 Fem Short Rider. 1 germed. ended up being a 6" runt. 5 Fem Indoor Mix. TINY TINY seeds that looked like SHIT, -0- germed. 10 RESENT Blue Mystics. 2 germed. Yes folks, 30 seeds, 3 plants...
  4. SlicePro

    How many of you are ex-diehard Obama lovers

    I wish you could tell that to my two neices who at 12 and 14, just lost their Mother after her 3rd battle with cancer. Because my sister-in-laws job was hit with a 40% increase in health premiums, they were forced to scale back their amount of benefits, as opposed to not having any at all...
  5. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    I cut a small bud of yesterday. Its gonna need atleast another 30 days. Inside the lowrider box it says it takes 10-11 weeks to mature, cant wait to see what it looks like in another 2 weks!
  6. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Day 42 Im putting up some close up pics of different buds. Shes developing nicely...I cant wait to HARVEST!! :weed:
  7. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Well, theres no smell really. This may sound weird but it smell like a chocolate bar. BUT if you squeeze the nuggs youll get the "good" smell. I definitly wont be needing a carbon filter or anything. Flowering temps are 78 Degrees with 20% humidity.
  8. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    CFLs are perfect for these autos IMO. Good luck with the grow and post up a journal!
  9. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Thanks to everyone whos watching this thread! :leaf: DAY 40 She has really exploded during the past week. She currently has about 40% red hairs, shouldnt be more than 3 more weeks im guessing. This plant is litterally a big bud lol My exhaust fan somehow became unplugged and she got a...
  10. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Sorry for not updatin in a while! Today is day 36 of the grow. Seems to be going well, but its been VERY sensetive to the TigerBloom fert, even at 1/4 strength :sad: Seems to have stopped growing in height and is now just developing the buds Dont have any pics of it today but heres some pics...
  11. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Currently running 16 23w bulbs which puts out about 27k lumens. 10 2700k and 6 6500k bulbs. :bigjoint: Doin a great job so far. No longer thinking about a 400w hps.
  12. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Well i guess technically it vegged for 10 days lol. Showed sex at day 15. This is a good question though because i have wondered to if they veg and flower at the same time.
  13. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Guys. I didnt realize that their are more than 1 ak47 auto strain. Im unsing the Joint Doctors AK47 aka Easyryder.
  14. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    WOW! They turned out GREAT!!! What was the yeild on each one, what kind of lighting and everything else (if you dont mind). Those are exactly the size im going for.
  15. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    DAY 21 Gave her a 1/4 strenght of Tiger Bloom watering yestersay, I think I over watered a tad but shes looking great today. The plant is starting to stink and is covered in buds everywhere. The stem is THICK! I really think this will be ready around day 60 from seed. I know alot of...
  16. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Thanks! This is a great little plant and im sure you would enjoy it as much as I do! Everyday i look at it and its like a new plant lol, growing SO fast! :joint::-o
  17. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    In the past 4 days this plant has exploded with bud sites everywhere. It has recovered from the nute burn (foliage feeding) and all new growth is green as can be!!! Its day 19 from seed ;-) The plant probley looks small but its in a 3 gallon pot so it looks smaller then it really is. Its about...
  18. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Well, took her out the grow box today and noticed pistols (First pic, in the middle of the plant) day 15 FROM SEED! Burned some lower leaves from foliar feeding (I think) But all new growth looks GREAT!!! In a few days i will begin to introduce some molasses during feeding. What a fun...
  19. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    I will finish out this grow completly with the CFL's. The more involved I become, the more I want a perfect setup, so im more than likely gonna end up with a 400w hps for the flowering stage. It will be very interesting to compare the bud density of the same strain from different lighting.
  20. SlicePro

    My AK-47 x LR Grow.

    Thanks! I started the first week on 24 hours, with 3 6500k's and 1 2700k. On the 7th day I have switched to the recommended 20/4. I also forgot to mention this is DAY 13 FROM SEED!