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    sprayed neem during flower bad idea?

    what happens if i use nothing but molasses and water the last 3 weeks?
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    sprayed neem during flower bad idea?

    hey guys maybe i should add that i am growing White Widow and some people say it is a late finisher.... i am currently on week 9 of flowering and i already stopped giving nutes.... if these trichs are still mostly clear by week 10 i may go another week so maybe i have more time on my side...
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    sprayed neem during flower bad idea?

    well i hosed the ladies down with pure water... hopefully that gets rid of the taste of neem i sprayed 20 mins earlier i also broke off bits of leaves on my buds just to see if it had the neem taste...nothing unusual i got my fingers crossed
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    sprayed neem during flower bad idea?

    i am 2wks away from harvest (already flushed once).... thought i saw some powdery mildew on a couple of my plants and i paniced.... so i sprayed a little neem oil over my buds. it wasnt mixed with soap, just half a tsp neem concentrate + water in a spray bottle. after doing this i found out...
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    best way to fight thrips?

    any good strategies on getting rid of thrips? I see a few of them on a mother plant. i have neem oil and i can get some ladybugs from a friend... how shold i attack them first and prevent them from coming back ..? i dont want them to kill my only mother.. i need clones damnit!
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    easiest way to grow a lb every 2 months?

    ok but i want specifics from people who've actually pulled a pound... like what wattage on the lights, how many plants under said light, how big of a screen if done with ScroG, etc. i have a 400w hps right now, is that not enough? can i get away with a 600w and 10-15 plants for that holy...
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    easiest way to grow a lb every 2 months?

    lets say you have a mother plant, limited space (roughly 5ft x 5ft) and want to grow at least a pound every 2 months... what would be the easiest way to do that? the fastest? the most cost effective? opinions please because $$ is not a big issue here, just the lack of space unfortunately
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    is this overferting?

    based on a what i saw/read on some guide, i am pretty sure it is a Phosphorous deficiency. this makes sense because i have been pretty stingy with the nutes and these babies are already a foot tall. i am just so scared of overferting that i havent been giving them enough food. should i wait til...
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    is this overferting?

    there are two bottom leaves on my plant that look like this. i am not sure if its overferting or some kind of deficiency/mold/fungus because none of my other plants are showing these symptoms. what do you think? sorry for the bad picture quality
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    question about SCROG growing

    thanks, that link looks useful :) can i ask what the purpose is of keeping the bottom of the stems "naked" this to keep it from growing horizontally... because my plants really bushy everywhere and i'm wondering when/if i should cut the branches at the bottom that dont reach the screen.
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    question about SCROG growing

    the tallest one is 11.5 inches, the other three fall somewhere between 9-10. they are just barely getting their alternating nodes, thats why i want to veg for another month. the screen is 2 ft x 2 ft
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    question about SCROG growing

    i am growing in a very small space (2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft) and my 4 plants are already about a foot long in 1 month of i have less than 3 ft of vertical space left.. not much so i am using a scrog screen. i am little worried about how big these ladies are gonna get when i switch to...
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    switching from 18/6 to 20/4 ?

    i have a few fems on 18/6 right now, thinking of switching to 20/4 in order to boost growth. will the gains be noticeable? and will the switch in the light cycle cause any problems (stress?).. i just dont want any hermies or anything
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    2 gal pots, how big should they grow?

    wow, i never knew they could get so huge in such small containers... i thought they get "rootbound" pretty quickly. good to know. i am using a homebox with a 400w mh/hps cooltube, so i got almost 4 ft of vertical space (2ft length & width wise) not very much, i am thinking of doing a SCROG...
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    2 gal pots, how big should they grow?

    i have a few girls vegging in 2 gal pots, the biggest one is about 9 inches tall. not very big for a month-old plant because i made a few mistakes, but how big can they get in that size pot? and at which point should i start flowering? i dont have much vertical space so i want to know how big...
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    inline fan is too loud! help

    it's a DetMar 7-5-1 (223 cfm).. used on boats i think. i just have the thing connected to an AC adapter, no ducting yet... if someone can tell me how to rig up a speed controller, please tell me because i have no idea how... if that doesnt fix the problem i guess i can build a box lined with...
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    inline fan is too loud! help

    so i bought one of these babies to use as an intake fan and its too damn loud, even louder than my 6" vortex which i use for exhaust... either i pull some McGyver shyt to quiet this fan down or i buy a new must be 4" and quieter than this one though...any suggestions? btw, right...
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    Some Kind Of Insect Problem

    i saw a tiny light-brown bug walking on the surface of a leaf...(with my eye).. i tried to grab it and the sucker jumped. what could it be? also some of the leaves on the plant it was on are turning pale-yellow and dying. i hope its not spider mites
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    White Widow showing signs of trouble

    this is day 24 under a 400w mh conversion bulb. i haven't added any nutes yet, just water. what could it be?
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    switching lights in mid-grow?

    i started a few plants under a 400w hps and so far they seem to be growing fine. they are about a week old and 2-3 inches tall. i know changing the light cycle in mid-grow can cause stress, but what about changing the bulb type? cause i bought an MH bulb for veg since i heard they're better...