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  1. BCBuddy420

    Urgent: Mega Opinions Required to Settle Debate

    Hey Mag, The truth is... is that you shouldn't worry about trichomes too much as your about to harvest. The work is done, the deed is done! What I'm saying is that there is nothing that is going to "change" or dramatically effect any results now, it took them 8-11 weeks to get to where they...
  2. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    Crop Is Gone :sad: cops took it all. There's always outdoors! I'm already getting started. *OFFICIALLY SIGNING OFF OF RIU FOR AWHILE*
  3. BCBuddy420

    Safely Upping Nitrogen To Combat Severe Yellowing During Flowering

    bang on Gantsa, only I know right and I'm quite sure it's (was)a combination of huge salt build ups causing PH issues and lack of a little extra N. Proof is after a rigorous flushing combined with light dose of veg nutes with a little extra N they looked at least 50% better within 3 days. I may...
  4. BCBuddy420

    Safely Upping Nitrogen To Combat Severe Yellowing During Flowering

    Hey Malibu, thanks for that tip, I will try it on next flower cycle. What brand is it? How much recommended per/gal? every food feeding? (feed,water,feed,water)
  5. BCBuddy420

    Safely Upping Nitrogen To Combat Severe Yellowing During Flowering

    Actually you are right and wrong. I'm finding more and more that a healthy shot of N ( within a low dose but full veg feed ) halfway through flower is very beneficial for maintaining more fan leaves a.k.a solar panels which in turn creates more energy for the plant to convert to the fruiting...
  6. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    UPDATE DAY 38 FLOWERING: After that huge flush I did 2 days ago plus the small feeding of veg nutes the girls have regained alot of :leaf:green:leaf: and seem to be happier. Man that was alot of water being that the pots are 7 gallon and I used more than 16 gallons of fresh water per plant...
  7. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    thanks man, ima work it all out. I'll have some tiered plants (stadium style) going on the grow after the next. I was thinking for each light having a small 2-3 step structure made from wood to hold an additional 6-10 little plants in 1 gal. pots, each'd be about 4 feet long and squeeze up tight...
  8. BCBuddy420

    Safely Upping Nitrogen To Combat Severe Yellowing During Flowering

    Here they are three days later. I'd say they look a little bit better, less yellow after the big flush and veg feed. I'd say it's time to stake them heavy branches soon lol Next grow i will give a manditory good flush right at day 1 of 12/12 another flush at week 4-5 with a veg feed to boost N...
  9. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    Hey Gilfman! I'm hoping for some results from the changes I've made to the flowering plants, should be seeing within a couple days. Yeah your right i should probably top them at least once in a week or so, I just don't wanna slow them at all 'cause they're going into the 12/12 chamber in about...
  10. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    I haven't pruned/topped at all yet with these clones. I have approx. 21 days left of veg time. My footprint will be 8 x 3gal pots/1k. Any suggestions on topping them or should I just leave them to grow as big as possible anticipating flowering phase in 3 weeks?
  11. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    Update On Veg Room: I'm at the end of week 2 of veg now. I have been foliar spraying these vegging clones twice a week with a product called liquid light( for optimal light absorption) The clones are looking vigorous and healthy under the 475 watt MH and growing fast now, some are still a...
  12. BCBuddy420

    what strains would you cross???

    I would cross ogkush with agent orange and call it " Orange Krush " og being the mother as it's only pure forms are of clone
  13. BCBuddy420

    Safely Upping Nitrogen To Combat Severe Yellowing During Flowering

    I will update again very soon with improvements in the yellowing fans or no improvements(worse)... I post this shit for a little help from knowledgeable guys, but mostly to help other growers who suffer these same problems so we can learn to combat these issues.
  14. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    I will update again very soon with improvements in the yellowing fans or no improvements(worse)... I post this shit for a little help from knowlegeable guys, but mostly to help other growers who suffer these same problems.
  15. BCBuddy420

    Safely Upping Nitrogen To Combat Severe Yellowing During Flowering

    EVEN YELLOWER NOW: Okay day 35 these plants are yellowing RAPIDLY!!! like real fast. I have decided a MASSIVE flush is in order and will take place tonight, with a final dump of 1 gallon of 1/8 strength veg nutes (ph'd) per plant to keep em fed with some extra N. I did some research and...
  16. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    EVEN YELLOWER NOW: Okay day 35 these plants are yellowing RAPIDLY!!! like real fast. I have decided a MASSIVE flush is in order and will take place tonight, with a final dump of 1 gallon of 1/8 strength veg nutes (ph'd) per plant to keep em fed with some extra N. I did some research and...
  17. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    Yeah, i did some research and carefully concocted a special feeding for them last night with a heavier dose of N. Approx 24-25 days left on them so I wanna keep 'em lush(er) until the end. I'm also using 1 tbsp of molasses/gallon for my just watering applications, I'm thinking the additional N...
  18. BCBuddy420

    BCBuddy's New Perpetual Show 4000 Watts

    I took some pics of the rapid yellowing this evening. Fed them a double dose of nitrogen (floramicro) tonight, we'll have to see if this improves greenness and stops alot of the yellowing/gying leaves. It's an experiment as I have never tried this before. I aslo began kool bloom feedings...
  19. BCBuddy420

    Harvesting Soon

    lmfao at the people posting comments almost 4 years later!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. BCBuddy420

    What do you do often when you're high?

    play guitar and sing, try and write songs... play video games, watch movies, annoy my gf cause she doesn't smoke and just thinks I'm real wierd lol