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  1. Lord Dangly Bits

    Droop/Curled Leaf Tips

    Could be a lot of things. He does not give any info. Nice to have the picture though. To me it does not look like heat stroke stress though. What is your medium. What kind of system you running. How often do you water. What is the ambient temp as well as rez temp if you use one. What Nuts, What...
  2. Lord Dangly Bits

    help me please

    Coco is not soil. You water Coco at 5.8 PH, so you are fine. Your plant will be ok, if you keep watering it at 5.8. Make sure to have 15%-25% run off. This means if you water it 1 gallon close to 1/4 gallon will come out the bottom. Now take this and stir it, then take a small sample of the run...
  3. Lord Dangly Bits

    help me please

    adjust and water extra heavy the next watering. And tell you m8 to keep his dam hands away from your plant. Also. I hope you are groing in a hydro system. Because 5.8 PH is to low for soil. Soil is more like 6.4.
  4. Lord Dangly Bits

    Off colored leaves

    That plant looks pretty good. But you might try giving a bit more Nitrogen. But be careful and do not over do it.
  5. Lord Dangly Bits

    Flowering plants are looking pretty haggard

    A Photo would be nice. I am a b ig hater of MG nuts. But if that is all you can get, then give them about 25% of what is suggested. If the plant handles that n icely, then bump up the amount the next feeding by about an additional 10% of the amount you had fed the first time. So if you are...
  6. Lord Dangly Bits

    seedling sprouts have tiny white crystals on the seed shell

    If you are foliare feeding with a heavy solution, you could get a salt build up on your plants. I NEVER FOLIAR Feed. NEVER. More harm then good in my book. But others live by it. Yah know. To each thier own.
  7. Lord Dangly Bits

    seedling sprouts have tiny white crystals on the seed shell

    Kind of hard to tell with out a photo. Maybe someone sprinkled sugar on your plants as a joke. Give me a while. I will come up with another guess. As for the slow growth. I am thinking you are a new grower. Most new growers over water, over nut, just about over everything. Maybe try laying back...
  8. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help please, possible humidity or nute deficiency

    You can cool you rez by putting a 2 liter bottle of frozen water in there. Get three of them, so you can always have two of them in the freezer.
  9. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help please, possible humidity or nute deficiency

    Rez temps of 82.1 degrees is way to high. You are starveing your plant for oxygen. You need to have that temp down around 68 degrees. And following the direction of some of these corperations is just crazy to me. These Corps. are all about profits, and if they can talk people into useing a more...
  10. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help please, possible humidity or nute deficiency

    You sure give your little bitty plant a lot of different stuff. I am a strong believer in KISS. I have done the Advanced Nutrient regime with 15 different bottles and a few other brands. I have found that a simple A & B Nutrient with neptunes seaweed plant food gives me good growth and large...
  11. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help please, possible humidity or nute deficiency

    Are you saying your water (h2o) is 82.1 degrees????
  12. Lord Dangly Bits

    Issues with new clones

    Pictures would really help. And a new grower saying that something is in range is not good. Because what you think is in range might be way out of wack. I hardly ever mist my clones. and I never have them above 78 degrees. (about) Now this might not be perfect, but I have a very high percentage...
  13. Lord Dangly Bits

    bud hairs wont turn brown

    Are these plants from seeds. If they are different strains they can easily have different needs. And even if they are from the same strain,each different plant from a different seed can show a broad range of differences. This is why people will grow like 8 plants of a strain and make a clone...
  14. Lord Dangly Bits

    What causes dark green curly leaves on flowering plant? (w/pics)

    That is why I asked if it was like in the back yard with a security light on or flood light. But I know I have seen leafs that look exactly like that. About 4 years back, I cut off a decent sized bud and cut it and such just like you would a clone. And I cloned that bud. The leafs looked exactly...
  15. Lord Dangly Bits

    Yellowing spots on leaves

    Your slapping the nuts to that plant to much. Back off lover-boy. :leaf::hump:
  16. Lord Dangly Bits

    Is smoking tobacco/weed around your growing plants bad?

    A lot of the people in here do not understand the difference between Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide. To think it would be of any benifit to smoke around your plants is almost a crazy an idea of it is good to clip all the fan leafs when you flip to flowering. I sure hear some crazy shit in...
  17. Lord Dangly Bits

    What causes dark green curly leaves on flowering plant? (w/pics)

    It is not fucked. But find out what is making the plant think it needs to veg. As stated above, it might be to much Nitro. Is there a flood light around the plant at night? a Porche light or something?
  18. Lord Dangly Bits

    What causes dark green curly leaves on flowering plant? (w/pics)

    I have seen those same exact leafs on clones of mine I have taken from a plant that was in flowering stage. If these are caused by the sme thing, it is when the plant is in flowering and starts to revert back to veg stage.
  19. Lord Dangly Bits

    Yellowing spots on leaves

    Need information to go with that photo. Yellow spots could be about 10 different things if not more. What Soil, What Nuts, What temps, what PH, what kind of water are you useing. This is the short list. The more info the easier it will be to pin point your problem. Hope you have a little note...
  20. Lord Dangly Bits

    shriveled brown hairs week 2

    Hmm. So 1/2 gram per watt is not good. Holy shit. That is what everyones mark has been for years. You are correct. I have to step off the short bus. You guys have fun. And it was not me that said that these plants can handle 6.0 EC. Seems to me that there is someone in here trying to screw up...