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  1. beardo

    Having problems in my area

    Oh yeah, that reminds me, I have poured bleach into a bath and soaked in it. And during the winter it's not so bad but when it starts to warm up and the snow melts so does my crotch it gets worse in the summer. It smells to, sometimes I can smell it through my pants when i'm sitting down
  2. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I couldn't live if they went out of business they are everywhere but i'm lucky because there's one pretty much right across the street from me If I had to go to starbucks I would choke someone, I went twice and both times almost lost it, I can't handle that place or the people working there or...
  3. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I start every day with two large black Dunkin Doughnuts coffees and one of their egg muffin breakfast sandwiches and then smoke a Marlborough go back in and then I poop my brains out in their bathroom while reading a newspaper, the guy who goes in after me must hate it, and sometimes someone...
  4. beardo

    Having problems in my area

    i have had this problem for a couple or few years, i'm not sure what's going on but I went to the doctor and she said it was fungus and I used fungus creams and sprays and that might helped one of the problems or another problem but didn't solve the issue, it's like a sweaty rash but not really...
  5. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    already working on an exclucive deal with him, he will be in the first commercial where someones on the phone and it shows the guy monitoring it and Mike Tyson comes up behind him and viciously bights off his ear, then it will say it's cheaper to hire a pigeon than Mike Tyson
  6. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    i'm telling you, it's the future Beardo's Birds® will be there to satisfy the demand the monitoring of all communications has created
  7. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    That is what I am thinking also, I believe there will be a need for secure communications and that is where Beardo's Birds® comes in I am not currently interested in allowing investors but if I decide to I will let you in on the IPO
  8. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    So I just got some pigeons and I plan on getting more. I am going to be training carrier pigeons, i'm going to be ahead of the curve so that I position myself as the name in carrier pigeons. I believe it's the wave of the future. You will all be wanting my services in the years to come
  9. beardo

    The New 'Merica

    The idea is that "our" govt is bought and our money isn't really money but everyone thinks it is and stays focused on it, they want people working more and having less so that you do nothing but work for room and board so you can eat and live and as soon as your to old or sick to work you can...
  10. beardo

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS Gc65NC44dSk
  11. beardo

    Zob Glass Pipes- ANY INFO? HELP!!

    It will arrive Wednesday the 17th
  12. beardo

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS kHmvkRoEowc
  13. beardo

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS mEAKsaQOCpQ
  14. beardo

    Zob Glass Pipes- ANY INFO? HELP!!

    we were waiting for this post to appear, we knew you were going to post this before you did, we have our ways of knowing things it's called a predictive algorithm
  15. beardo

    zimmerman news

    You are a disgrace to the human race, it is sad that your kind of thinking has become pervasive. You are the proper authority realize this and take responsibility if you fail to do so you deserve whats coming
  16. beardo

    Zob Glass Pipes- ANY INFO? HELP!!

    Sorry, didn't mean for it to seem weird, i just thought it would be easier for him to tell me. Its no big deal, it only takes a minute to check the prisim database and cross reference
  17. beardo

    Zob Glass Pipes- ANY INFO? HELP!!

    Where are you having this pipe mailed to, i can track it for you and tell you when it will arrive, whats the address?
  18. beardo

    Zob Glass Pipes- ANY INFO? HELP!!

    What kind of question is that? What do you think?
  19. beardo

    Zob Glass Pipes- ANY INFO? HELP!!

    Why are you"getting sketched out" i hope your not planning on using the pipe for anything other than tobacco, why are you in such a hurry? Do you expect them to rush out and send you your pipe?
  20. beardo

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Has anyone seen admin? At the top of the forum there is some site news thing or something and the post says something about updating the forum for three hours. The dude in the avatar has blond hair, he's one sexy dude, not to sound like a homo or anything