Search results

  1. Awestun

    which kind of coconut oil should I use?

    If coconut oil makes you want to puke and then die, what other oil would you use instead? Don't mean to threadjack, just the best place I could find to ask the question. Coconut and vanilla trigger an insta-puke for me, I can't even be around the stuff. Just always find coconut oil as being...
  2. Awestun

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Critical Plus nugg. Dense like a big rabbit turd. I would have just as much loved to just break it up and set on a plate in the room, like a scented potpourri bowl lol But the cats will eat nugs. Really. It is weird.
  3. Awestun

    which sports you like the most?

    I love sports. I watch very little regular TV shows. Gold Rush, American Horror Story, Walking Dead (sometimes) But the first thing I do when I wake up is look at what sports are on at night. Daytime if I plan to be around too. Football is my favorite to watch, Hockey 2nd, Baseball 3rd...
  4. Awestun

    Hello Austin here

    I was named after Austin Texas, but only because my father was released from basic training after he failed the hearing test, just outside of Austin Texas. I've never been myself. Not growing, buying medical. He smokes it with me sometimes. By arts I guess I can list. Mainly fimo clay...
  5. Awestun

    Brick Weed

    Ugh. Smashed buds. Closest I've seen to brick weed in awhile is something that was in a back pocket or back seat for a car ride. I haven't seen bud in a bag since 2010. Pill bottles or hard cases. You can sit on a bag and not know it lol
  6. Awestun

    Hello Austin here

    Looking for a place I can meet some people and get help with life. Nothing too specific. I'm 34, 35 soon enough. Divorced since 2010. I live with my father, lost my mother in March of 2013 to ALS. Cared for her with my father until her passing. I'm currently unemployed. But I've always worked...
  7. Awestun

