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  1. Lord Dangly Bits

    For those thinking COCO

    Very true. Hell I know people who grow very nice buds in Miracle Grow soil. I still think they call it miracle grow because it is a miracle when anything grows in it.
  2. Lord Dangly Bits

    Upper leaves turning yellow and curling downward in 2nd week of flower

    You have a build up of Salts in your coco. You should not try and correct this is just a day. Lower the PH of what you feed them to 5.2 and double the amount you give them. If you give each plant 2 gallons of water, You want 1 gallon running out the bottom. Take that 1 gallon of run off MIX it...
  3. Lord Dangly Bits

    For those thinking COCO

    Bump. For those in need.
  4. Lord Dangly Bits

    Upper leaves turning yellow and curling downward in 2nd week of flower

    You are useing 7 gallon pots? Holy Crap dude!! That is HUGE!! I grow 6 foot plants easy in just 2 gallon grow bags. But anyway, give them a heavy watering with nuts and get about 30% run off. Take this run off and mix it well and take a sample. Take a PPM and PH reading of this run off. Bring...
  5. Lord Dangly Bits

    Bad Seeds ?

    I can see you now, with sand paper in hand, and steroids already loaded in the needle screaming out!! Grow You Little Fucker!!!!!!! Grow I Tell You!!!!!!!!
  6. Lord Dangly Bits

    Upper leaves turning yellow and curling downward in 2nd week of flower

    How big are the pots, and how much do you water, and how often. And also, how much runs out the bottom.
  7. Lord Dangly Bits

    Auto-Flower problem

    If I was to grow an Auto Strain. It would be like a Chia-Pet. :fire:
  8. Lord Dangly Bits

    Upper leaves turning yellow and curling downward in 2nd week of flower

    Hey there Jay, :) I look at your crop and see this same trouble all over the place. When my lights are on, The top fan leafs turn and stretch up for the light, like a big hard on. All of yours are drooping down. In your first post, your leafs have very pronounced ridges within the leaf. What...
  9. Lord Dangly Bits

    Auto-Flower problem

    CRAP!!!!! I wrote out a nice detailed long response for you and then hit reply to thread and lost it. basically it is this. You seem very detailed. But when they speak of 20 days, they are talking about from rooted clones. Clones are mature as soon as they are cut. You most likely grew these...
  10. Lord Dangly Bits

    Please Help!

    OK, so why is you PH bounceing all over the place? I undersatnd you are using BubblePonics, but what is the plant sitting in? Do you have rockwool, or is it just sitting in one of those rubber pucks with the roots hanging down. What brand of nutrients are you useing also, and how much per...
  11. Lord Dangly Bits

    Plant grew too tall and got burn't. D'oh.

    Sounds more like Bondage then LST. :) Bend way the Hell Over Bitch!!
  12. Lord Dangly Bits


    Flip a Coin. :)
  13. Lord Dangly Bits

    Plant grew too tall and got burn't. D'oh.

    Busted, I just checked out your photo on post #1. HAHAHA. THat SOB is going to take over that space in a big way. About 3 years ago. I germed 6 seeds. I had real bad luck, out of those 6 seeds I only got one female. Even once it showed sex, it would not explode with bud growth. It just kept...
  14. Lord Dangly Bits

    Bad Seeds ?

    The higher Humidity of the air will make it sink. The hole is just to allow a little fresh air to enter, from a little of the wamr air riseing and cooler air droping into the area. This is why I said some people do, and some people do not. I do, and I have great success. But there are a lot of...
  15. Lord Dangly Bits

    Bad Seeds ?

    Warmth and Humidity. It is working just like a humidity dome. You should make a small hole though. Well, some do, some don't. For my clones or seedlings, I place them into Rapid Rooters and then place them in styrofoam egg cartons. Then I place these into an 18 gallon rubber made tub with a...
  16. Lord Dangly Bits

    Please give opinions - is my crop doomed?

    Why did you post this two different times in 10 minutes? And No, that does not look like a Hermie. It looks sweeled more then normal. But there are no NUT Sacks. Everyone always seems Hermiphobic...
  17. Lord Dangly Bits

    Plant grew too tall and got burn't. D'oh.

    Plants can not up take sugar or mollasses and that kind of crap through the leafs. All you are doing is coating your plant in a sticky mess. Mollasses and these things can only be up took from the soil if there is the correct micro orginism in that soil to break it down for the plant to take it...
  18. Lord Dangly Bits

    Plant grew too tall and got burn't. D'oh.

    Do not top them and such things after you switch them. I usually try not to do any cutting or topping for at least a week before I flip them.
  19. Lord Dangly Bits


    Hey Slightly Check out this thread. This was written When I once again switched back to Canna.