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  1. AtownSmoker

    Denver cannabis cup!!!!

    Only going to the cup tomorrow bro, will u b there? Just hit up a bunch of dispensaries today
  2. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    I'll definitely look into that! I'm only going to the cup on Sunday so I'll take as any pics as possible of cool shit :) Here's my setup for the auto while I'm gone decided to utilize a unused mini fridge. The Power flower will be staying in the tent the whole time... I'm nervous about leaving...
  3. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Sounds like a plan! I'm going to Denver this weekend to the cannabis cup so I'll be out of town for a few days. Bought some electric timers and a few more lights for the auto. Hope everything will be fine haha
  4. AtownSmoker

    Denver cannabis cup!!!!

    Tickets are sold out for the bus tours. So I think we will just drive the whole thing haha. Hell maybe even follow the Bus
  5. AtownSmoker

    Is this sativa or indica? Is there a way to tell

    Little update
  6. AtownSmoker

    First grow. WoS Strawberry Blue Fem.

    How's it going?
  7. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Added a few more 6400k cfls to the auto. She's looks to be enjoying them. I would think it will start to flower soon. The "Power flower" is budding up real nice :) I just gave her it's second feeding of Tiger Bloom today at 3/4 strength. I also added another "150" watt 2700k cfl to the power...
  8. AtownSmoker

    northern lights

    Just added a few more cfls to my Auto. Was beginning to stretch a bit.
  9. AtownSmoker

    Denver cannabis cup!!!!

    Will they have seeds to purchase for sure? Or "freebies" rather
  10. AtownSmoker

    Denver cannabis cup!!!!

    Making the trip from the Midwest. Def willing to meet some new people from RUI! Although lately I've been hearing their won't be any kind of cannabis available for purchase at the cup. Which would be disappointing. Will still be fun, PM me! I have a group of 4 of us. mid twenties...
  11. AtownSmoker

    Denver Cannabis Cup - Clones? Seeds?

    I just figured that message about no selling of cannabis products was for the general public. Because those rights are for vendors only.
  12. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Day 16 of flower, things are coming along nicely. So I have a confession to make. I might have accidentally switched seeds during germination. This very well might just be a Big Bang By Greenhouse Seeds growing and not a power flower. I have thought this since the beginning but now that the...
  13. AtownSmoker

    1st grow.Northern Lights auto.Any help appreciated.

    I would say their at a good size. Here's a pic of my NL auto at 3 weeks old. We have a similar grow going on. Best of luck to you.
  14. AtownSmoker

    Nitrogen def

    I had a rapidtest PH/fertility/ tester. Just make sure It's actually working right. After reading reviews on it I learned the reader is very screwy. Many customers were complaining about the meter always reading "7". I had the very same problem and ended up tossing it. Oh and make sure your...
  15. AtownSmoker

    northern lights

    What's gu ve rep? Haha
  16. AtownSmoker

    northern lights

    Haha. I started mine in FF with 30% perlite. Then with the top 2 inches I mixed the FF with Scotts seed starting organic potting soil. Seemed to work great!
  17. AtownSmoker

    northern lights

    I agree. I started mine in FFOF and she's growing fast! This is also my first grow.
  18. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    So I thought this was very interesting, here's a pic of my "Power flower" at 3 weeks old and my NL auto at 3 weeks. Huge difference! Pic #1 is the power at 3 weeks #2 &3 were taken today of the Northern Light
  19. AtownSmoker

    First grow, Indoor. T5 cfl. Power flower fem.

    Just a few bud shots from tonight, couldn't help myself :)
  20. AtownSmoker

    northern lights

    Three weeks old from sprout, growing like a champ :) Should start auto flowering soon