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  1. Green Cross

    Wecome to the jungle

    Hiya Fishin' Don't worry about the rep+ I get plenty from the helpin' noobs. :bigjoint: That plant I'm revegging; thanks for reminding me; I forgot to water her today! No new growth yet, but she did throw out a couple new flowers lol :roll: Give her another week, or 2, maybe longer...
  2. Green Cross

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    Sucks getting caught up in the system, because the system lacks any common sense, and the CPS is run by social elitist lesbians. Not that that's wrong lol :wall: The courts have probably destroyed as many families - in their ignorance - as they claim to have saved. :roll:
  3. Green Cross

    Smoking Playlist

    rpXXTGqVLcw and here's some good reggae GPFD5Rv34K0 :eyesmoke:
  4. Green Cross

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Pay up suckers lol Obama touts smart grid grants By Michael A. Fletcher ARCADIA, Fla. -- President Obama announced Tuesday $3.4 billion in grants for "smart meters," updated transformers, and other devices that he called the largest energy grid modernization investment in the nation's...
  5. Green Cross

    Obamas Buddies at ACORN!

    Here are the Obama thugs at work, in Chicago - SEIU and Acorn are one in the same. Angry taxpayers burn bank execs in effigy, demand end to using bailout dollars to fight bank reform But later in this story even the Los Angeles Times admits "these are organized protests, spearheaded by...
  6. Green Cross

    Mentality of the Mindless and the Marxist

    Sure, lets build government financed cars, nobody wants, and nobody feels safe driving. But first does Obama drive one of these? In a related story in todays news: Electric-Car Companies Grab U.S. Cash to Blunt Risks By Jeff Green and Alan Ohnsman Oct. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Electric-car...
  7. Green Cross


    I see the leftist blogger's are desperate to disparage others religious believes again. Can't you find a way to abolish human rights, without disproving "The creator" as referrenced, in the declaration of independence? Here are some other folks who need Jesus, because they obviously don't...
  8. Green Cross

    Mentality of the Mindless and the Marxist

    They're as bed as religious fanatics (terrorists). And that's because "green" is the new world order's religion of preference. Read The Rise of Global Green Religion
  9. Green Cross

    National park service wants to put poison in lakes

    The best and the brightest work for the park service? Oh that makes me feel better :roll:
  10. Green Cross

    Is The Purpose Of Life . . .

    Don't you have an opinion on the subject, or do you only ask one liners? Your purpose in life is a matter of choice. If your purpose in life is to serve God, love your neighbor, and overcoming sin and death, then it's good. But if your purpose in life is to serve your own sinful...
  11. Green Cross

    Do You Believe The Way You Feel?

    Are you trying to say "trust" emotion, or believe? Women tend to operate more on emotion more than men. Men tend to make decisions based on logic. I tend to not believe (trust) emotion, since most human emotions are based on fear, and impulsive choices are often the wrong choices. Of...
  12. Green Cross

    What will happen when the US goes completely bankrupt??

    For anyone who doesn't understand the dynamics of money, this is worth a watch: lXb-LrVkuwM We really have no money, only deficits (a promise to pay though taxes), but when China, or the Saudis lose confidence in our ability to repay, the dollar will collapse. We would be left helplessly...
  13. Green Cross

    Healthcare reform-Do we really want the government screwing this up too?

    Medicare will be bankrupt, unless healthy people can be forced to buy higher prived health insurance, or the government has the power to limit care. That's what this is all about. It's not about the 17 - 40 million who are uninsured, because most of them won't be covered... there's nothing...
  14. Green Cross

    Medi Grow: Northern Lights, Aurora Indica, Sour Diesel and more!

    Sorry about the Mites Twills, bad news seems to come in waves But one the good side; this shit is looking dank!
  15. Green Cross

    Wecome to the jungle

    Thanks Warisnottheanswer They're really starting to pack the weight on and putting out some stink too :weed:. Note: The first 3 were put into flower (12/12), around 9/20, 5 weeks ago. The other 6 went in 2 - 3 weeks later. Germinate K-train in early Dec. so they can continue vegging...
  16. Green Cross

    why do people use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to say something stupid?

    You must be a little weet behind the ears (politically). Free speech was never meant to protect safe/polite speech - politically correct speech doesn't need protecting, because it's not offensive.
  17. Green Cross

    Arguing with Leftists

    Let's see what the leftists are up to this week: Nationwide Protests Against AIG, Citi, BofA: Send In Your Reports Read more at: The same story is being reported by USA Today and the rest of the...
  18. Green Cross

    Wecome to the jungle

    Hey TrynaGroSumShyt, I thought I'd check in before sunday football starts :-P You really shouldn't add N in flower, because from what I've read, too much N can actually inhibit flowering, and can affect the taste, negatively... gives that home grown grass clippings taste/smell. I cut my...
  19. Green Cross

    Flushing Question + REP

    Flushing doesn't do anything except remove excess fertilizer. A Watering and flushing tutorial for soil
  20. Green Cross

    Wecome to the jungle

    Thanks genuity :mrgreen: Glad to hear you're back in circulation :-o I think your seeing that on the one that's been flowering for 4+ weeks, so the chlorophyll (stored energy) is being drained from the leaves. Nitrogen deficiency in late flower is completely normal :joint: Thanks for...