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  1. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Ph is always between 5.8 to 6.1 usually 6.1 Room temps between 74 and 77 1 of the Apollo Purple Sun 75x 4 2 of the Apollo purple Sun 192x1 lights are between 18 to about 22 inches above canopy Skunk Lab Nutrient water Temps vary from 56 to 68 degrees
  2. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    So I did a rez change 2 days ago. I am using week four feed schedule from skunk labs. The next day I noticed a little browning on my tips. The next day after that I notices a little more. my ppm was at 300 after rez change and the next day it was 150. Under the led it looks much worse so...
  3. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    gand3r... I agree with your comment on skunk labs 5/5 absolutely. I must say for only a week of use my girls are responding extremely well. New rapid root growth. Leaves are healthy and no signs of deficiencies. What I like are the res change charts. The numbers seem to be right for my...
  4. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Ok update I started the Skunk lab nutes on monday and the root assist on wed. I must say I am impressed so far. I believe my girls are coming close to being fully recovered. I know they are hungry and eating. Monday ppm 250 Tuesday ppm 150 Wednesday ppm 105 Thursday ppm 79 Friday ppm 56 Some...
  5. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Gand3r... Thank you. Last grow i wasn't pro active when i saw symptoms of anything. Mostly because I wasnt sure if what and how to do things. Trying to do things right this time. I didn't take any pics of before but i will try to take pics every couple of days. Just so hard to hold the...
  6. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Blackforest... Hey bud No way would i put heating blankets under my buckets I am trying to grow weed not mushrooms lol ... And the uc roots has been out of my system for over a week now. I was using it to help my roots get rid of anything I "might" of had. I was using soul synthetics nutes...
  7. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Root assist haa been added at 2oz per gallon so 20 oz for my 10 gallon system. came home today and didnt even recognize my lab girls are growing like crazy super happy roots looking better and with the root assist I believe they will get even stronger from here.
  8. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    I am just ecstatic let me tell you if what I am seeing is a sign of things to come I am gonna be one happy camper. Just getting home and I check my Lab and DAMN. My girls are just in hyper growth. All seem perky just doing their thing. I have taken a pic in normal light so you all can see...
  9. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    rekoj.... Yah I am gonna run her for atleaat 2 weeks before I touch. Not easy I must say I am always itching to do something in my"Lab" So a little update for today. I woke up and all the girls are still alive. lol They all seem to be a lil perkier today. For the last ide say week or so...
  10. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Allright Got Skunk Labs Nute line up today suoer excited. Started at week 3 veg schedule for the nutes. I really like that I actually added the ml recommended instead of the guessing game I have been playing with other nutes.. After I followed the 3rd week feed I eneded up with a ppm of 250 and...
  11. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    I will be busy tonight.... ill chime in a lil later after dinner and the kids are asleep
  12. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    I just checked the tracking number and it says package will be here tommorow. I'll be busy after work tomorrow. So I like to take the weekends to work on projects in my "Lab" Sunday the house is all mine for like 5 hours. Me time..... Anyways so I worked on some preventive maintenance...
  13. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Heres a little update as to thier root health. So in order to avoid further damage on the 29th I manually cleaned my rdwc system down removed all water and nutes to the best of my ability. boiled my air stones, put everything back together refilled system with R.O. water 150 ppm of cal mag...
  14. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    rekoj.... I hear ya... But I am just going to stay away from organic nutes atleast till I learm more and bcome more proficient in growing. For now they are getting R.O. water cal mag ➕ and some uc roots.. Atleast till early this week when I get my skunk labs products. Hey every cycle is...
  15. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    I have to say since I have been given them nothing but the R. O. water cal mag ➕ and uc roots. The girls seem to be doing much better. I have been seeing new growth. You know I am not even sure what I did wrong to start with.. Temps in my rez are usually at 68 or below. My Ph was steady at...
  16. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Ok just ordered the hydroponic system from Skunk Labs. As soon as the package gets here ill let you guys know how it goes.
  17. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    ok so i get home.... l get to my shopping cart on amazon gave it to the wife and she turned down my plans( for now) I just bought my inline fan and filter that was 200 and Christmas. so its gonna have to wait till atleast early next week. So This is what i did last night Empty and clean...
  18. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Ok so spent all last night reading up and watching videos. Very interested in what I saw. When i get home today I will be ordering the tea and their veg a and b. So lets see if i understand correctly. I want to clean my system and roots of any left over nutrients and beneficials. I...
  19. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    Ok so I understand clearly. You recommened I run h202 threw my system to kill all the bennies. Now is that with my plants in place? Once I do that use the tea. Mixed with my new res change and my nutes? Sorry If my question sound juvinelle but I want to make sure I do this right. I really...
  20. cruz420

    Current culture U.C roots did I get the right thing?

    ok unfortunately I am at work but once ill get home and read what you guys are suggestion. I will dedinately keep you all posted. Thanks so much guys for the help