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  1. TreeGod

    Feeding Time or Somethin Else?

    I do have a PH and PPM meter. I've been using PHd tap water in the reservoir and the PPM is around 200-300 without nutes so should I add 200 ppms worth of nutes still or somethin way lower?
  2. TreeGod

    Feeding Time or Somethin Else?

    Whats up RUI, Got these two plants about 2 weeks from germination and now the tips are slightly yellowing and the leaves are beginning to curl under a bit. I haven't given them any nutes at all, the temps in the grow area are around 74-80 at all times and RH is around 20-30% at all times. I...
  3. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    I am not, I'm growing in a nice sized closet
  4. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    Haha I got mine blazing hot directly out of the box! That Pondmaster does look legit. I'm gonna hit up Petco tomorrow and try my luck with the Tetra Whisper for 100 gallons. At least if it doesn't do the job I can cruise down to Petco and return it instantly lol.
  5. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    Damn man sorry to hear that! Im praying I don't run into as many issues as you did. I almost gave up when my first 5 seedlings died lol
  6. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    I kinda figured it was cheap Chinese shit but it wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt lol. My last time doin that cuz now I have to go thru eBay refund bullshit.
  7. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    Funny you should post that one, I received a 951 GPH pump from eBay today that didnt work at all. It looked exactly like that one for 35 bucks.
  8. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    Anyone else got any suggestions?
  9. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    How much did that pump cost and how many gallons is it rated for? I read it was best to get double the size of your reservoir.
  10. TreeGod

    DWC Pump Suggestions

    What's goin on RIU Right now I'm working with a 10 gallon roughneck tote that houses 3 plants. I plan on moving them to a 20 gallon tote once the roots need more room. My question is, what pump would you guys suggest I get that would provide enough air and bubbles for 3 plants? Right now I have...
  11. TreeGod

    18/6 or 24/7

    I go with 18/6. If I was a plant, I know I wouldn't wanna b working all the time lol
  12. TreeGod

    Germinating seeds

    I currently have 3 seedlings under my 400 watt MH about 2 feet from them goin 18/6 and they are doing fine.
  13. TreeGod

    Germinating seeds

    Yea they'll b fine. I was tempted to germinate outside the medium but I was afraid of damaging the sensitive parts while attempting to move it to rockwool.
  14. TreeGod

    Where can I buy seeds? :(

    To elaborate on what he was saying about shipping speed, I ordered seeds about 3 weeks ago from Attitude and got them about 6 days later and I live in Cali. Attitude is definitely the way to go lol
  15. TreeGod

    400 Watt Parabolic Distance

    Thanks a lot. Glad to hear I'm doing fine so far
  16. TreeGod

    400 Watt Parabolic Distance

    Well that's not at plant level, that's just the closet it's in. I have a fan blowing at plant level so I'd assume itd be slightly cooler than those temps.
  17. TreeGod

    400 Watt Parabolic Distance

    I have a thermometer in the room and its around 78-80 in there with lights on and 72-74 with lights off.
  18. TreeGod

    Where can I buy seeds? :(

    I'd suggest learning with bag seed first buddy. I'm new myself and thought I could jump head first into buying premium seeds. Long story short I had 8 seeds and now I have 3 left that Im gonna save until I get some experience under my belt. I lost 5 seedlings to damping off:wall: But to answer...
  19. TreeGod

    T-5 floresent light vs 600 wt HID with parabolic hood

    No problem, the only thing you have to manage is distance and being able to keep the temps down
  20. TreeGod

    400 Watt Parabolic Distance

    What's goin on RIU, I got some sprouts that are about a 10 days old and around 2.5 inches each. I've read that I should keep my type of light around 1-2 ft but I've never seen anyone with a parabolic reflector ask yet. Is 1-2 ft really safe to be that close with a bare bulb like that? I have...