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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    Best reply i have seen so far. thanks
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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    I did 8 CFL's 65w each 5 inch above them could they get burned if temp is bellow 78F ?
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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    I replanted 4 girls into smaller pots, while taking the plant carefully i noticed the soil was so dry on top but in the middle was 70% wet, shaked soil and planted into smaller pots. new soil ph is 7.0 Moved those 4 girls under CFL's. Do I water them ? I am new grower and really need help with...
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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    Will Those TINY SMALL Seedlings SURVIVE a flush to a 5 Gallon pot each ?
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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    I will test 8 plants under CFL few days, what about nute burn flush could help that ?
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    Is this due to excessive heat or is it a nutrient deficiency?

    That's what's happening to my 18 girls now, 600w 1.5ft check out my post
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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    No way to go with CFLs now, look at the setup i did, how many cfl for 18 plants and how to put them above final pots, that's a big change. BUT if this is my problem then i will go with it, but I don't think that's the case, temp at the top is always good and lights are so high now while still...
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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    I thought so, then I asked myself, why are they still showing new signs a week after stopping nutes and moving lamps higher , should I flush the nutes I guess bad Idea, they are small to survive it. then back to what do I do now
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    18 Plants dying PLEASE HELP

    5 Skunk , 5 Cheese, 3 Widow, 5 Deisel Small video also Germinated in paper with 6.5ph'ed water 3 days then planted in small cups for 7 days, moved into 5 Gallon soil and fed 6.5 ph'ed water 500ml each. After a week, Fed...
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    crispy and yellowing leaves

    Hello, Please help 5 Skunk , 5 Cheese, 3 Widow, 5 Diesel Germinated in paper with 6.5 water 3 days then planted in small cups for 7 days, moved into 5 Gallon soil and fed 6.5 ph'ed water...
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    bottom leaves turning yellow during flowering

    it is happening to my 9 girls also at day 21 flowering, still did not figure out why, all i am doing is cutting the so much yellow leaves.
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    how to fix high soil ph?

    PLEASE HELP. Yesterday I spent 2 hours trying to fix my PH and could not reach what EVERYONE say. The following tests were made : Made my water PH 7.0 After giving the plant water, I collected the first drops from the runway and tested them, It showed PH 4.5. I added PH up, made my water PH...