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  1. green_is_good

    Best Connoisseur Sativa?

    i hear great things about Mr.Nice Super Silver Haze and his Mango Haze
  2. green_is_good

    Reeferman Seeds... Out of buisness???

    elfstone you are supposed to tell the Attitude that the seeds were delivered smashed and broken, and if you have some old bagseeds smash them and send them back.
  3. green_is_good

    help required with young plant from newbie

    the stem issue looks like you keep it too wet, like that stuff on top stays wet. the plant looks too small to flower, the all around fertilizer , that could be a problem cause budding needs less N, make sure to use a bloom fert.... im not a pro, but thats my take on it.
  4. green_is_good

    Help, Leaf Miners!

    dont know it if will damage the buds, i dont think so, but i do know that when columbines( a type of plant/flower) get leaf miners the plants and seeds get infected and if you dont want leafminers next year you discard the plants and seeds and start new.
  5. green_is_good

    New Pics! Let me know what you think.

    very nice ;)
  6. green_is_good

    about barneys fem violator kush

    well i must say i was liking the way it was looking, then i noticed that my violator had nanners in week 5 just started coming out.:evil: now i was using 3 seeds and used the clones from them. so now i am down to two seeds of the violator and i will be watching. i cut down the drag queens and...
  7. green_is_good

    Barneys farm sucks a gang of dick!

    lookin better than the picture barneys supplies.
  8. green_is_good

    i thought i would share this

    my friend goes to the rainbow gathering every year faithfull, any ways they have a contest to see who's weed was the best. so he took some of my mine and entered it into the contest. he said and mine won the weed portion , there was hash from HI entered and that beat the weed. he said there was...
  9. green_is_good

    Mini Grasshoppers on all my plants

    hey jack thanks for the correction, i will remember that for my future references.
  10. green_is_good

    Mini Grasshoppers on all my plants

    i think those might be aphids, if they are they are not good. got any pics.
  11. green_is_good

    rez changes.... how important???

    you are going to have to either change the rez or stop letting it get so low cause you are letting your roots sit in super concentrate of nutes after they drink up all the water.
  12. green_is_good

    Master kush

    Mr.Nice has master kush
  13. green_is_good

    Ordering 30 seeds of one strain to start crop... Which strain?

    sometimes those violators get tall, out of 3 two were tall pheno and one was short and squat.
  14. green_is_good

    white fuzzy shit in the center of buds

    i have just had one of mine doing the same thing, i noticed some gray leafs a bud, pulled it it pulled off easily i said shit. so i cut it off and fed it to my dog. :)
  15. green_is_good

    Couple Problems?

    you know that ph in the 6.5 range is high, you are supposed to be sitting at the 5.5 range thru 5.8 especially in hydro .
  16. green_is_good

    Yellow new buds

    how close are your lights?
  17. green_is_good

    will not clone..?

    ok highwayman did you soak your cubes to 5.5, and when you cut your clones did use rooting gel and did you just cut the skin on the stem like 4 times, dont cut into the stem just the skin, ok then did you get like two plastic containers that are clear and stack up on top of each other, to make...
  18. green_is_good

    Sensi seeds................

    no it does not
  19. green_is_good

    if you had a real spider living in your plants would

    you take the spider out of your plants and remove its webbing? yeah its a real spider.
  20. green_is_good

    Rock wool

    if it has the plastic wrapper you can take that off befor you plant it , just plant it and watch it grow