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  1. dl290485

    When exactly is day one?

    Personal choice. I just started a log for this grow. I started with day zero. That was the day I put the seeds in wet tissue. They cracked the next day and I knew which direction to point them down into some potting mix. Regardless though, on my own timescale, the next day would class as Day...
  2. dl290485

    Auto-flower seed problem.

    First of all, for more perspective for your situation, you may try a different strain. Perhaps low light hours per day could make the plants flower before they are ready. This could be exacerbated by the strain you are growing. What are your other conditions though? Have you gone for a brand...
  3. dl290485

    Is it possible to affect genetics in autoflowers?

    Some strains are simply unstable / more random than others. I'll start my explanation with a little rant :) I have a Devon Rex cat. He is white all over except his nose, paws, and ears. His mum is brown all over, his dad is 2 shades of brown. All siblings look just like his parents. His...
  4. dl290485

    Day 75 Pinkie Pie in Jameson Bottle Grow

    I'm curious about this now. So it's just water in a bottle, no medium? Do you fill it right up, or do you intentionally leave some exposed roots for oxygen? Or what about an oxygen pump? (like a fish tank air stone on a pump or something) While I'm at it, this was grown under lights (alone) ? So...
  5. dl290485

    Purple strains

    Keep in mind that the purple can be influenced by temperature. Some strains go purple when it's cold and may not be very purple at all if it's too warm. Of course genetics are also a factor, so some will have a better chance of being purple regardless of temperature. Sorry I don't have a...
  6. dl290485

    Breeding For Autoflower Seeds

    I'm going to resurrect this thread. I posted a question in the Autoflowering forum but no answers there and now found this section and thread. I'll quote it below but since some of the question is already answered, I'll make some other follow up questions instead: What's the chance IBL seeds...
  7. dl290485

    Using harvested Auto-flowering seeds

    The question: Is it feasible to intentionally seed auto-flowering strains to use as my consecutive planting stock? Follow-up question: Are there any particular brands/strains that may be more stable/suitable to do this with? Basically I want to purchase seeds once and then practically never...
  8. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I think that is a massive grey area in the law. Technically it is organic hydroponic- but cops won't always notice or understand the technical details. I mean point #1, hydro doesn't mean stronger- so why make the differentiation? Some cops would see any indoor grow under a lamp as 'hydro'...
  9. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hey you know I can't give you a real answer for that but i've been sorta thinking about the topic. Weed has a really wide range of smells from funky rotten, to mango to lemon to berry to musk and much more. I was thinking though if you are worried about neighbors and what not, some smells aren't...
  10. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Why do they have to be local? National mail isn't going to be searched for seeds so anywhere in Australia could post to you... but really you could just order seeds internationally and get the genetics straight from the breeders. If you are worried about customs, just send them to a non-growing...
  11. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    lol did anyone else spot the spider mite damage? There is such an infestation in the garden and around the house I think my eye is always searching for those bastard :P Awesome looking bud though. How cold do you reckon it has to be before it purples up like that? Is it a pipe dream for Aussies...
  12. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    My replies are in bold above
  13. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    @2easy I'm assuming that you've grown this exact strain and even mother-plant before? (not just comparing 2 random strains grown in aqua or not?). I find it very odd if you've grown this before in a different medium and got a different result. I've never noticed the difference between full hydro...
  14. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Wow that is so awesome. It's worked so well for you which makes me really wonder why It's not widely seen. Just to clarify, up to this point it's just been fish crap and a bit of pot ash in the reservoir?
  15. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Oh hey 2easy, I thought I might mention Scoria (aka lava rock) to you for possible use with aquaponics. I recently bought some from bunnings (pieces roughly the size of standard clay balls) to replace perlite in my soil mix. Anyhow it doesn't hold as much oxygen in it's pores as clay balls but...
  16. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    ^^ well played sir
  17. dl290485

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Only peat I can find is $5.95 per 5 liters. So if rounding 77L up to 80L at that rate would cost me $95.20 if I replaced all the coco with it. Even if I only replaced half, that's still a lot of money (to me). The coco brick cost me $13.50 for 90L (looks more like 80L though maybe)
  18. dl290485

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I'm finally getting to the bit where I mix up my first ROLS soil Have/ordered already: 8x 25L planter bags 48L Lava rock 80L coco coir 75L EWC 9kg Rock dust mix which says on the bag "calcium 5%, Phosphorus .08%, Sulphur .04%, Potassium 3%, Magnesium 2.5%, Silicon 25%, Iron 5.5" Liquid kelp...
  19. dl290485

    Excepting donations for other breeders gear? Opinions please!

    Just like people said, just be honest. I'm just repeating the same messages but in my own words; It's ok to self a plant to keep the seeds. It's ok to share them in a small circle just like it's ok to give or trade cuttings with your friends. You didn't breed the genetics but you did actually go...
  20. dl290485

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I think it's logical Number 1 point is that It doesn't matter who heads the party! The invisible party heads create the police and the 'leader' of the party is like the spokesman who sells it to the crowd. That means it doesn't matter if Gillard or Rudd is 'leader', you'll get Labour party...