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  1. Gamberro

    First Wash. licence issued

    60% margins with a one-year return on original investment is pretty damn competitive investing in a recession.
  2. Gamberro

    Traveling from Denver to Lake Stevens you guys got retail stores yet..

    I'm pretty sure TSA has their own perspective on holding a schedule-1 "narcotic" substance.
  3. Gamberro

    First Wash. licence issued

    In that situation you could sue the living shit out of the federal and/or state government due to the federal memorandum. Very smart people are investing a scary amount of money into this.
  4. Gamberro

    Gamberro DWC V-ScrOG Post-Journal (pics & vid)

    Hello all, I was going to post a grow journal but I got a little paranoid, this was a personal project and fell in a gray area. Please don't make the mistake of mimicking me, I did end up with a plentiful harvest but I would not do things this way again given any choice. The workload was...
  5. Gamberro

    Absolute Smell ELIMINATION (reg. canines)

    This is a hypothetical thread regardig smell elimination, specifically eliminating the odor compounds that allow canines to smell packages in transit via mail. Hypothetically, let's say someone in a low value per pound area decided to ship product on a consistent Bahia to a high value per...
  6. Gamberro

    CO2 for I-502 Grow?

    Most of our ducks are in order, but we will be using a closed system, something I'm not too familiar with. We're using the closed system because I have had very frustrating experiences fighting high-humidity conditions. We are looking at spaces which are potentially 4,000/+ square feet, with...
  7. Gamberro

    Open Exchange, will Dehumid Even Work? (80%+ humidity)

    usually just keep a healthy open exchange in my room, but humidity this year is absolutely off-the-charts ridiculous. Recently we've been suffering humidity consistently over 80% and often enough over 90%, and I'm a week from harvest. Humidity in the room is only so much better. I have tried...
  8. Gamberro

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    Kind of eliminates the benefits of size and maneuverability, as far as a bicycles go...
  9. Gamberro

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    Hey y'all sorry I been dipped, ended up going through some scrap an old childhood friend of mine died (in very odd circumstances) and went through a little quarter-life crisis, still going through it I guess but I hope not. Man it has been, and I'm speaking literally here, 80%+ humidity these...
  10. Gamberro

    White Clumps In Roots (DWC), Plant Drooping/Dying

    It's not a remotely modular grow, it's a vertical screen of green, so I'll have to try similar using a siphon, ie siphon once, fill with h2O2 solute, etc.. What kind of concentration of h2o2 should I use, that is, how much and at what strength? I'm a less-is-more type, never really used h2O2.
  11. Gamberro

    Bottom stem has white bubbles on it ?? What is it.

    That's a natural part of the plant's growth, no need to worry.
  12. Gamberro

    White Clumps In Roots (DWC), Plant Drooping/Dying

    I have one gigantic plant in a DWC, all the plants around it are doing excellent but this one, the bottom parts (it's all side lighting so not due to low light) are drooping hard core, it actually looks like a plant does when the DWC bucket is empty and it begins to die. There are a ton of...
  13. Gamberro

    First grow ever, wish me luck!

    Wow, a gallon a day per PLANT?? I don't envy you. I've never had a plant drink nearly that much, so for me that's not normal, but I've been told it can vary greatly from strain to strain, and I've only grown five or so different strains. Watch your pH and EC levels closely, they'll likely vary a...
  14. Gamberro

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    One of the few things more enjoyable, to me, than growing something, is building something. Every step of the way you look at it and think to yourself, I made that happen. This construction will be valuable experience, I suppose, for your child. Years from now you will look back and think, "I...
  15. Gamberro

    12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

    If you've been alive on this planet for eighteen years and have half an active intellect then you understand that karma is a gigantic crock of shit. Live my life and then tell me about karma. Synthetic pesticides are an absolute last resort, I said nothing about pesticides, but continue making...
  16. Gamberro

    First grow ever, wish me luck!

    I usually refer to that as a quick reference, but I noticed you can get quite a lot closer with appropriate air flow/ventilation. More a list of how FAR you can get from the plants than how CLOSE you can get.
  17. Gamberro

    Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

    Happy Father's Day to any dads here, gonna be a father twice in August but right now I've been taking care of SIX for the past week or so, which accounts for the lack of my presence.
  18. Gamberro

    12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

    Okay, "son"? I enjoy how you're juxtaposing your positive attitude response as contrast to my negative attitude, cuz you are clearly a positive, enlightened individual, Father. Entertain yourself by making assumptions about me, but I used to grow organic outdoor, and I learned and worked with...
  19. Gamberro

    Do not smoke marijuana in excess, It can cause cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

    I have pissed people off making the point I'm about to make, but here it is. My industry is health and fitness, I say this to qualify myself, not to be a snob. It is one thing to make the true statement that the body is a massively complex organism and that holistic ie well-rounded healthcare...
  20. Gamberro

    Is selling really that profitable?

    Let me put it this way, my next harvest from my primary system will be roughly three pounds, Ima freezer cure it and then two weeks later let my people know it's on the market, and it will be gone within a week or two for $3K a pop without me ever even speaking to a "customer". If you're in a...