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  1. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Do you deny that there are people on the Left who could be considered 'racist?' Fine. Just take 'In God We Trust off it.'
  2. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    LBJ used the N-word. The NAACP refused to endorse him in 1960. Was he a racist? I was making a point about the Left in general, and Uncle Buck in particular. The Left has a few racists, too. That was my point. But I cannot ignore that some racial animus exists among a few on the Right...
  3. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Andrew Jackson ethnically cleansed the Southeast. FDR rounded up Americans of Japanese descent and put them into camps. Robert Byrd was a Klansman turned Senator. Facts that the left happily ignore. They have people like you to thank since you’re happy to ignore the racism on the left and...
  4. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    If one were to deny someone admission to school based on race (As the Democrats in the South did routinely), that would be racist. But to say something ugly about someone else? Nope. Rude? Yes. Racist? No. I am a multi-millionaire.
  5. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    I have already said I am not defending the Oath Keepers. I have no idea what you are talking about and you refuse to reveal what they have done which deserves the term 'racist.' Are you calling me a nazi? Medicine Man would be so proud.
  6. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    I say I am a multi-millionaire. Then it should be easy for you.
  7. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    The Tea Party was neutralized by Obama's weaponized IRS. His government goons took them out so they were not a factor by 2012. I do not dispute the most recent election. The people spoke through the ballot box. Dog bless America!
  8. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Please re-read my post. What has he DONE which would classify him as a racist? So everything you have said to me me today can be categorized as action? BULL SHIT! Your words are just that. Words. They have absolutely no power over me. And I am still waiting on your answer as to what the...
  9. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    He made some caustic remarks. Big whoop. He was a talk show host. But what did he DO? You SAY that but you don't provide any details. What exactly have they DONE which deserves your scorn? I'm serious. I have not heard about those guys in years. Please enlighten me.
  10. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Sweden is a welfare state. Capitalism is very much alive and well there.
  11. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    And you buy into the mass-hysteria surrounding Man Made Climate Change.
  12. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Are you claiming that Venezuela is not Socialism? It's now time to justify YOUR statement.
  13. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    You are the one who is attempting to convince. I don't give a shit what you believe vis a vis climate change. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I have stated mine. As you have yours. So go ahead and try to insult me. You only demonstrate the weakness of your own argument.
  14. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Facts do not upset me. I like them just fine. Venezuela is Socialism!
  15. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Boortz went off the air years ago. Tell me one thing he has ever DONE which could even remotely be described as racist. And I once said something nice about the Oath Keepers YEARS ago. Take me away to a re-education camp! What is your problem with them anyway? I mean that. Enlighten me.
  16. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    I don't smoke or vape anything. But you go ahead. Is that your vehicle? Tell me you don't actually own one of those things?
  17. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Go on. Keep repeating yourself with your horse shit. It won't make any of those two statements any less false.
  18. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Why don't YOU go smoke a cigarette. I gave it up years ago. Tobacco is a dangerous product. Now THAT is what I call Settled Science.
  19. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Why do you keep bringing up god? That's the second time for you, I believe. I am Agnostic. God is not relevant to this discussion. But nature is. Climate change is natural.
  20. Johnnyorganic

    Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

    Yeah, I am so emotional. Pissy, too. I think I'll pet my emotional support animal and then go do some volunteer work down to the homeless shelter. LOL! You forget I am a Liberal. So you should not misuse it and self-apply that term. Progressive? Fine. Socialist? Again, fine. Communist...