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  1. V

    Sour Diesel for expencive, or keep toking what I got?

    Haha, thats awesome you get to be dissatisfied with 18 a g on a quarter, I get quarters for 120 at BEST.. Its consistent but still thats a good hook up most people here have to drop 150-160 a quarter for the funk.. Must be nice haha.
  2. V

    Where Y'all from?

    Would definitley be ideal for retirement if not before from what you describe.
  3. V

    Where Y'all from?

    Born: Virginia Currently lives: Georgia Wants to live: MMJ State with nice college :) DJ, why you wanna go to South Africa? Not knockin it or anything but it's not typically a westerners retreat haha.
  4. V

    Sour Diesel for expencive, or keep toking what I got?

    Dude I'd make that road trip and I am on the fuckin east coast!! I gotta pay 400+ for that grade of shit... I fuckin hate not being in a MMJ state!
  5. V

    how many do YOU have?

    I only have 57 but its cool because I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
  6. V

    best places to live and "work" in colorado/??

    I would loooooove to move to Colorado and go to college out there probably at University of Colarado.. Any info anyone could share would be great... My dad used to live in Boulder Colardo a while back, he said he loved it an its beautiful but thats the obvious part :)
  7. V

    fuck the law

    I have only heard of this happening to juveniles....
  8. V

    2012: Is it goin down?

    I dont think he is referring to the bible as far as I know it says nothing about 2012, however the Mayans did... Say, where are the Mayans now by the way?
  9. V

    Rollitup Cannabis cup

    Well if you find people willing to participate or start it up then more power to ya, i would love to be able to somehow participate if I ever lived in a legal state..
  10. V

    2012: Is it goin down?

    I say I come talk to me bout your crazy theory in 2013.. Even if it does end what the fuck would it matter, it'd be over anyways, lol......
  11. V

    hmmm sometimes even the weed can't take the pain away..

    Yeah backdoorman, nice suggestion I couldn't make it through the other way either.. Its stil loooooong but I could read it in its new format.. I can tell you put alot of emotion in that, always good to get that shit out..
  12. V

    National park service wants to put poison in lakes

    .....:confused: Me no get it senor.
  13. V

    Rollitup Cannabis cup

    Sorry it doesn't seem so OBVIOUS. I suppose if everyone is legal though then woohoo who the fuck cares...
  14. V

    Using aluminum foil for my bowls, is this safe?

    I mean if the hole is too big or something just get a screen..
  15. V

    Using aluminum foil for my bowls, is this safe?

    I heard once that smoking through aluminum greatly increases your risk of getting alzheimers but I dunno how much truth there is to that.. And why does aluminum come into the equation if you have a glass piece?
  16. V

    Rollitup Cannabis cup

    I think its cool in theory but, A) You talking about it on a public forum, there goes your stealth factor B) If it is arranged via this website wouldn't that just put RIU even more on the radar of authorities then it already is?
  17. V

    fucking Dr. Phil

    Dude, Dr Phil had some kid and his mom come on his show, the kid had been caught "trying" weed and Dr Phil advised he be sent to a rehab clinic(if I remember correct, was a few years back)... of course the guy is a fucktard..
  18. V

    A serious question....shipping.

    I agree just rememeber cause you know whats in there doesn't mean anyone else does, and the people who mess with your package deal with such a volume of them that yours isn't going to stick out for any particular reason as long as its still just a package with an address.. Your lucky to have...
  19. V

    *Fight Video..

    No vid for me, I dunno about everyone else though.
  20. V

    you wont beleave this

    Edit- misread the situation, either way homeslice shouldn't have known bout the grow.. How did you not hit him? You must be quite forgiving..