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  1. D

    2012 Spring Gathering!

    Those are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Never could make it as well as do at the fishhouse verra cruz in carlsbad but I ain't dead yet niether so there is still time. Those BBQ'D oysters are real easy though and with a good beer............yeah, that's it right there. Oysters and...
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    2012 Spring Gathering!

    Oysters? Split the oyster, on the side that the oyster is not sticking to add a bit of butter and a shot of your fav BBQ sauce. Remove the oyster from the other shell and plunk it on top of the ingredients in the other half shell . Now BBQ the oyster in it's own shell by placing it on a BBQ...
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    Totally thornless unless they revert back to thorned but I always dig those guys out and toss. I am frequently misunderstood both in writing and in speech. Trust me it ain't just you. Sorry bout that.
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    Hows your berries doing there Mickey P ? I transplanted mine again and added a bunch of compost. Berries love compost and lots of organic matter to grow in. I put a groung cover cloth down to keep the berries off the dirt and keep the weeds down. This will be the second season for these plants...
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    1000 Strawberries , Drip Irrigation semi Comertial

    That's cool. I have plans to do the same myself but I have a major remodel going on at the moment so it won't be this season. Iwant to do hydeo lettuce and micro greens. At some point I will create a permaculture farm and hope to make a living doing that untill I can't
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    Are We Planting Yet?

    I noticed my squash has broken ground so we're off!! Looked on a farmers almanac website and they gave planting dates for all the diff. veggies. I'm a little early on the squash but spot on with the carrots so those aught to be showing soon. Sure is nice to come out and inspect seedlings again.
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    Scion Wood

    pretty cool Pip. I think I will open the door to lychee nuts and give one a try
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    Scion Wood

    nice post Pip. So what do you do with a leeche nut? Never tasted one. I'm glad you posted what you have because I think I will have better luck with air layering.
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    Anyone Truly Love Working with Plants [not mj]

    Smoking weed calms me down and gardening calms me down and when I'm high and working in the garden I am one chill fucking old man
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    1000 Strawberries , Drip Irrigation semi Comertial

    Is this something you're doing full time or just part time? Drip irrigation sucks for the most part for just that reason. Too hard to notice when it's not working properly and then you've lost or set back plants by the time you do notice, With berries I guess you have no real choice but man you...
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    Pumpin Eggplant

    That just sucks having to leave plants like that. Can you transplant them? If you like eggplant you need to try some "kamo" eggplant. Round softball fruits that are very firm, not mushy when cooked and almost no seeds or seed pocket. all firm meat. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEeally good flavor. Considered...
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    Scion Wood

    Ok Pip, I hope I don't piss you off with this line of questioning but I used to own a sawmill so J jnow wood like the back of my hand and you apear tobe using heartwood interchangably with whitewood and I want to be clear on this. Not trying to be a Dick. So from the outside going in we have...
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    Learn other languages while translating the web

    Well that's quite an interesting scheme. It makes me all warm and fuzzy knowing that there are people in the world smart enough to make stuff like that happen. When I COMe back I want to be smart.
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    Scion Wood

    So Pip, when you said cut it down to the heartwood I thought you possibly did not know the diff between white wood and Heartwood but you're saying to cut through the whitewood down to the heartwood? You don't just take the bark and cambium layer off? This guy that I saw doing an air layering...
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    Are We Planting Yet?

    Rough growing up there in the North Pole is it?
  16. D

    Scion Wood

    What's up Pip. What have you done with airlayering successfully? The guy that was demoing was a little vague about the varieties that take well. He was pretty experienced but He had had a lot of duds also so he seemed reluctant to say "this variety or that type of plant works well" You have a...
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    Scion Wood

    Citrus is a bitch to graft from my experience. Very small margin of error.
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    Scion Wood

    I haven't had any success with avos but I think that it's a personal problem. Everyone else does ok with them. I want to graft onto rootstock. That looks pretty easy to me and I can replant them anywhere I want. One of the benefits of air layering also iz being able to move the plant when it...
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    2012 Spring Gathering!

    They're just starting some seeds for spring LOL
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    How do you tell someone they got a bad tattoo?

    Well...........if you ever want to get laid agin I'd keep my opinions about a memorial tat to yourself. Seriously