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  1. D

    Best Gardening Tips

    Short cryptic posts that seem totally innocent to the writer can be seriously misunderstood. I have learned to be more deliberate in my posts as without much context people can take offense quite easily. It's all good.. Like you said, smoke a bowl and chill
  2. D

    Much Compost From Leaves

    you need to compost it until it resembles dirt. Prior to that if it is mixed into the soil it will pull all of the nitrogen out of the soil during the decomposition process. Also if you want it compost in the forseable future, you need to add green plant material to the brown leaves. The better...
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    Two kinds of bamboo., Clumping and running. If you plant running bamboo you can prepare yourself for a whole lot of maintenance. The clumping varieties are much easier to control. I have pulled off a freeway and dug up a few roots of giant bamboo on more than one occasion.. I have several nice...
  4. D

    Holy Shit!!! News Was Just Talking About Bank Transfer Day...

    I just got a letter from chase. No more free checking. So what! Lots of "Free checking " accounts ....right? Wrong!! Things are changing. Had to look real hard to even get close to free checking without a buttload of requirements
  5. D

    So how many people still have ladies in the garden?

    6 LA Confidential in fourth week of flower. In coco. Looking good so far. Are budworms still active?
  6. D

    Is SMOKING mold GONNA killa me??

    Yes, well personally I'm only concerned about the kind that grows on weed.........What?
  7. D

    Seeds not growing, help!

    never heard of the baggie dome. Can't say as I see anything inherently wrong with it except that I believe your problem is that the rockwool cubes are too wet (you want moist but not wet) and you have drowned? is that a word? your seedlings. Short of mouth to mouth it may be too late
  8. D

    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    Coco is unique in that it exhibits rapid salts buildup as soon as it it is allowed to dry up. In my coco grow I was able to see visible crystals of salt on the surface several times and I mitigated that by literally soaking the rootball in water and raising and lowering it out of the plain water...
  9. D

    Coco - should i give it a constant feed?

    Once your plants get over 12 inches or so you really do need to burn them just a little in order to determine the upper limits of the ppm's that you can get away with and not burn your plants. Since every plant is different in that respect then deliberately albeit slowly raising your ppm's...
  10. D

    advice on flowering

    right about now you should add PK 13-14 for at least a couple weeks. This is in addition to you regular mix. It will raise your ppm's but don't worry about that. If the colas stop streatching you can do the same thing again for two more weeks and after that you are probably just throwing extra...
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    when is a good time to transplant?

    I feel the same. I like to have a pot full of roots but not circling. A fine line indeed but one I choose to follow. good lick
  12. D

    Chopping off Fan leaves

    Yeah Man! Don't listen to the guy growing big plants! He doesn't know shit !! Those big plants are prolly just an accident. Yeah right!!
  13. D

    Coastal moisture and no sun creating mold

    Yeah baby! Lots of mold problems due to the weather. I just picked off what I could and in the end I found that if I cut off any individual bud that was affected, it opened up the airflow around the cola and often I was able to salvage some of the affected bud also. Win win. Those big, fat dense...
  14. D

    quick question

    First of all, I don't KNOW shit! So having said that, what I think would happen is that the babies would be photo period due to the fact that the cross to make an auto flowering plant is occomplished by introducing a small amount of The auto flower plant (forget the name) into the primary plant...
  15. D


    I'm sure it can be done. Works with practically every other plant I know of but it is tricky with even the easiest plant to graft such as fruit trees. If this is your first time grafting I would be surprised if you succeed. Too more than one season and a couple of lectures for me to get it down...
  16. D

    opinions on trimming and topping

    Spot on Dude!! No hard and fast rules here. If you have a damned good reason and a plan then go for it. If you are just infactuated with the snipping of leaves then take up bonsai. If you need better airflow to prevent mold then by all means go for it.
  17. D

    So much condensation!

    Pretty sure it was about condensation. just a guess
  18. D

    Drip Irrigation system

    I think you are better served with the eight tube manifold "octa something or other" from rainbird. each one is adjustable and it really isn't a drip but more like a stream which should alleviate your pressure issue. They aren't cheap but i really really like them. they don't clog up and they...
  19. D

    Trimming help?

    That's pretty much what I meant! I will do that but personally, I kinda like those christmas tree looking tops but I think they are concerned about what's inside? Valid I suppose as I have opened one or two that looked pretty good before being broken down only to reveal mold after they were...
  20. D

    Trimming help?

    Hey guys! I'm finishing up my harvest and all is well, Cure is going per plan and all that so I stepped into a dispensary to see whats up and the guy says my sample bud needs some better manicuring. Now I have this particular bud trimmed pretty frikkin tight already but it is a tip of a cola and...