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  1. deesbarrett

    Lighting Question??

    Does Anybody know what size MH Bulb I can use in 150w hps ballest?
  2. deesbarrett

    My 1st Grow, with pics and a couple ?'s

    Yeah I agree put your lights on 18/6 ASAP and keep the exhaust going 24/7.and as far as the fan I have one and it work quite well
  3. deesbarrett

    Look out superthrive - Organic Competition

    So what is your favorite type of pie?
  4. deesbarrett

    Look out superthrive - Organic Competition

    Ohso...You are a master at Organic growing...look at those buds!!!Wow!!!
  5. deesbarrett

    My 1st Grow, with pics and a couple ?'s

    The cabinet looks great...but add a few more lights to the little seedlings...they will perk up then.
  6. deesbarrett

    Look out superthrive - Organic Competition

    Hey Ohso...You should talk to BMO and ask them to make a Organic Soil Like Fox Farm...Just a suggestion.
  7. deesbarrett

    Lemon Juice?

    So you can use vinegar everytime to bring down the phI thought you could only use it every once in a while.
  8. deesbarrett

    Lemon Juice?

    ok thanks...I already knew that...i was just wondering if anybody ever heard of or used Lemon Juice to Lower the Ph of there Water.
  9. deesbarrett

    Lemon Juice?

    Has anybody ever used Lemon Juice to bring the PH Down in there water?Or is it even possiable?
  10. deesbarrett

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil

    Thanks for the replys...So i guess I will wait awhile to use my chicken Manure and worm casting tea.
  11. deesbarrett

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil

    Bump it up!
  12. deesbarrett

    Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil

    I just went and got a bag Of Fox Farm says it has Bat Guano and Worm casting in it...Can I add nutes or is there already enough in it?
  13. deesbarrett

    150 hps?

    Will 1 150watt hps be enough to flower 2 plants?
  14. deesbarrett

    Organic Hydro

    Try Super Plant Tonic,From Blue Mountain Organic...That stuff is great and all Organic.
  15. deesbarrett

    CFL Grow // Flowering?!?

    I dont see any pictures either.
  16. deesbarrett

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    yes...tiny green ones...they are actually Caterpillars.
  17. deesbarrett

    Sexing at germination

    LOL...I just got that.
  18. deesbarrett

    Sexing at germination

    Is this proven fact or someones homemade diagram?
  19. deesbarrett

    who can tell if these are ready(SUPERSKUNK)

    They look done to me!!!I would chop them.
  20. deesbarrett

    Geminating seeds

    Thanks...I sure will...Im thinking on making a Journal.