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    Bugs in my Blood

    :cuss:Opened a bag of blood meal & it had winged insects in it!!!! I closed it & put it in a plastic bag, i'll try to return it:finger:. I've never heard of bugs in anything but soil. Is this "common" so to speak, any1 else exp. this. I had some N bat guano but ran out, was gonna top dress with...
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    Holy Bagseed!

    S.B.S.....:lol::clap: Hillarious..... S.B.S Yes & good luck! I've had a few who stunk in veg. I've had a few males who stunk big time & made great Daddies....;-)
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    Can i trim? +rep

    YEP! NoDrama & Jesus are correct. Remove leaves that have fallen & allow those that still remain run their course.
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    Can i trim? +rep

    It speeds up the tric maturation in my exp. Contradicting StoneyLuv's exp. I get amber all over maybe because I start my 3 days dark when im 20% amber or so. I've experimented putting a couple of my girls in dark & leaving the remaining under light, I've noticed the difference. Also those...
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    Can i trim? +rep

    Agreed. Trimming what ever green foliage she has left will slow her down & lighten your haul. If your 7-14-21 days or more away from chop (you said you were begining a flush) I wouldnt. If you do the 3 days of dark before harvest & trim her when you put her in that should have little or no i'll...
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    How long can seedlings be in 12/12 without flowering?

    "the switch to 12/12 at any age will trigger flowering". I totally agree with KEROVAN & this statement! At any age, However it would make also make scence (to me) that regardless of age the plants would pre-flower first. If pre-flowers equal sexual maturity then I see with Knuck as well. But...
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    How long can seedlings be in 12/12 without flowering?

    I've done 12/12 from seed & they showed in weeks not sure exactly 3rd-4th,maybe even 5th week???. They seemed to take forever but not nearly as long as vegging the same strain to maturity. What defines sexual maturity, pre-flowers?? I never looked or payed attention..Taking in whats being said &...
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    Almighty's Tighty Whitey?

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    Almighty's Tighty Whitey?

    Almighty I believe is a Canadian breeder known most for their LionHeart ( early SourD like sativa). They have a solid rep to those "in the know" round here. Here is the link- Discovered these guys last year or early this year. I was paying almost double...
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    Almighty's Tighty Whitey?

    Well I'm a sucker for early finishing indies..Really thinking of getting these, along with their Hash Plant.. Any1 have any experience or first hand info about the "Quality of the Smoke" namely it medicinal qualities....Here is the description...PEACE...BsB. Tighty Whitey DENSE DENSE nugs...
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    Alaska Bloom

    Sorry Krazy if my response was conflicting. Mothers Finest I feel really cleard it up. I'm very new to organics and maybe should have kept my fingers quiet(;...Fussing with bottles & measurements is part of the reason I wanted to go organic. Amending my soil and just watering is what im looking...
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    Alaska Bloom

    P.S ....Can some put up Vol. for the Alaskan plz:) I read somthing like a cap per Gal or Litre... Also has any 1 used Morbloom in some way with the fish mix on LC's soil mix thread? Honestly though this stuff stinks, Ill give it a run and then save for outdoor or something....
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    Alaska Bloom

    I hear you M.T. Sorry Krazy if I wasnt clear. I thought & still believe that you were thinking of mixing raw nutes with eachother, no water....NO? & yes no 1 bottle of nute chem or organic will have all the ladies need from begining to end. Mothers Finest could you explain this----"Chemical...
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    Alaska Bloom

    I'm new to the organics too Krazy. I also have the Alaskan Fish 5-1-1 & Morbloom 0-10-10(havn't used it yet). Never mix Nutes together directly! Always mix with water before adding to your Nutrient solution(the water U will use 2 water plant) Using chem ferts with your organics will render your...
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    what would you do with 1300 seeds

    Didn't know that!!!!Thats some good info there. Thanks....
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    what would you do with 1300 seeds

    What up D.K(: Unsure of their origins? The strains? Be more specific fam. My name says it all! I cant help but get giddy when I find a mature seed in some bomb herb I just $ for. I've found some GREAT JEMS in my "bag". That being said I've dealt with a few hermies, some of them real sneaky. A...
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    Does anyone know any info about Fire Og? im in cali.

    This is the description they have for the FireOG. Sorry the desciption wont paste so I'll put the link Correction they have 22 varieties of kush & kush crosses. P.S. I never heard of FireOG until the dude from Indiana (cant remember his name)...
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    Does anyone know any info about Fire Og? im in cali.

    Sorry dont have an answer for you CGM. I was curious about the Fire. Is it a specific Pheno(cut only) or is it OG x ?/ a strain found in seed form. Some local breeders have FireOG in seed form. I get annoyed by folks who attempt to recreate or imitate a strain and lable it with the name of the...
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    Club 600 Breeding Showcase

    WoW Mr West! Looks & sound awsome. That "livers" got me scratching my head Could you run some info on it for me please, I'm really interested!..Thanx...BsB.
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    My Organic Tea Recipe Thread. Share Yours

    Thanx Viagro. That helps a ton. This post rocks! edit: Thread. I mean Thread. This thread rocks!!