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  1. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    After re- reading my above post , it makes me think that i should'nt judge anyone by the responses they give. After all they don't know me and i don't know them. I also realize that there are some extremely talented growers here and they have become that way by paying special attention to all...
  2. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    Well said. There is a subject that would like take forever to discuss properly. Since politics and weed rarely go well together, i'll stick to the latter. Here's a few as close up as i can pics, from today. BTW i see what you mean about getting a feel 4 who really wants to help,knows...
  3. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    Thanks buddy, i'm enjoying this lil' project. I found a 6" cooltube online for cheap so i'm going to add that and a 6" fan as well. Now, that i've gotten a better eye for what is right and not-so-right , i notice i have alot of stretching going on and that will improve the next grow. It's...
  4. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    I just thought of something, and could be important. When i got this plant it was in a 3-4" pot , so i transplanted to , well a kitty litter container, biggest thing i had at the moment. Anyhow the container says 7kg. (dry weight of course) i measured it out to be like 8 litres, which is just...
  5. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    Right you are buddy bud. That felt good to read. Exactly my feelings and learnin stuff too. Stop by anytime. and i'll bring the chicken grease!:fire::eyesmoke:
  6. solanero

    Hindu Kush closet grow 400W

    Looks like an advertisement for funky coloured weed.
  7. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    I'll hafta count back to get a true date when flowering was started, but i notice it seems slower than i would expect, perhaps because this plant is re-veg. Anyway i tried to pull the branches (gently) apart to get light penetration ,seems to be working. Although it makes her look huge. i guess...
  8. solanero

    112F and all is not well

    I was going to do a post about how its' all the Gov.ments' fault, messin up the ozone and then the aliens beaming down and stealing my weed and thatfriggin dog barkin.........but then i thought NAH , that's not funny.
  9. solanero

    600w Closet DINAFEM POWER KUSH

    Thanks for a good read and some inspiration too. I especially liked the comment whoever said it, " most ppl here just wanna see train-wrecks ,so they can bash the grower" - good comment, as i sorta noticed that too . Any way on a positive note you've given me some great ideas to try, as i am a...
  10. solanero

    How should i go from 18/6 to 12/12???

    another thing to think off is your peak energy period. Here, i run from 7pm to 7am all off-peak ,so i save umm a bit. From 7am to 7pm is prime time billing hours. So if you are pinching pennies or dollars to burn, those are the rules of the billing game. Might be different in your area-...
  11. solanero

    112F and all is not well

    This past week has also been an A**kicker here in Canada. Most days have been 102 in the shade. I'm sure anything in the fields that is'nt shaded is toasty by now.
  12. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    O,k, so just leave it, no problem. Not trying to hide anything ,i am inexperienced , its' just the way i talk. Sorry. Yes, i clipped the growth nodes or ' the growy bits' at the ends of the branches to slow her down( so now they look funny, i'm thinkin its' o.k.) But the good news is i now...
  13. solanero

    Hello again!

    Just as well i should'nt profess to knoww of things unless i'm sure. That was an understanding about pre-drilled holes i've always had, but it very well could be nonsense. I'm not an expert, i'm just relaying what i know in hopes to help. Antway good luck on your new grow.
  14. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    Thank you CanAbuss, thing is this plant grows a lil different that others so not everyone likes it ya' see? Here's a pic of the underside. and my ?? was should i trim away some of that skinny stuff that doesnt do much. Mind you it has been flowering for 8-10 days approx, so maybw i cant kut, im...
  15. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    While i appreciate your help, i might just see what happens, you know, being my first time and all. Also i have seeds on the way for next time-I'll post every week or so and please le me know what you think... Good or Not so good o.k.?
  16. solanero

    Help grow room design!

    Sounds like plenty o' room.
  17. solanero

    ?? Happy plant but i've no idea what strain or anything

    By the way, since all the growth is on a horizontal plane( i bent it 90 deg.) should i trim off all the skinny growth, new stuff and leave the thicker established stuff that is already forming the canopy.?? The very bottom is clean but new growth is forming along the sides and stretching up and...
  18. solanero

    Help to make co2 disperser-have co2 bubbler- now what?

    Thanks you jdmcwestevo, i'll figure it out.
  19. solanero

    Help to make co2 disperser-have co2 bubbler- now what?

    Firstly, i'll say that i DID look for an already established thread on this first, so i'm just not askin without having looked.. Anyhaw i've seen i vids that youy can use the same co2 bubbler they use when making wine. Well , i bought one ,created a fitting to fit a 4 litre bottle and have...
  20. solanero

    Hello again!

    Woodydude, i just re-read your post, and i think we are both talking about the same thing ,cept' perhaps i worded it differently. No?