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  1. ramie auto

    Silvercheese, Bluecheese, BUKU, Critical Kush Bubbler Grow Journal

    so how many days did u let buku flower for ? and how was the smoke
  2. ramie auto

    My plant won't bud

    well it just tells me i am not logged in or dont have permission kinda just gave up :confused:
  3. ramie auto

    yet another 'name my dog' thread

    hows about CAT lol
  4. ramie auto

    My plant won't bud

    so are you saying that its not possible to upload pics from a phone im on android?
  5. ramie auto

    Rollitup app

    i still am unable to upload pics using the app and alot of the pics on threads i cant see
  6. ramie auto

    Is Lowryder the best Autoflower out there

    i am growing skunk mass auto just now shld be ready for chopin around ten days i grow in soil under 400 hps 20/4
  7. ramie auto

    Is Lowryder the best Autoflower out there

    there are loads of autos now with high yeild and potency that finish in under 60 days dutch passions think different is great my friend grows it and yeilds good every time
  8. ramie auto

    Burmese Kush, Terrible Strain to Grow.

    im growing a th seeds buku right now veged for 4 weeks flipped 4days ago at 17inches in soil under 400 hps fem seed but not showing sex yet ?
  9. ramie auto

    Silvercheese, Bluecheese, BUKU, Critical Kush Bubbler Grow Journal

    take off 2 thirds is usually a good marker
  10. ramie auto

    TH Seeds have worthwhile gear?

    i have a th seeds burmese kush goin flipped after 4 weeks veg under 400 hps bit of a newb but the lady seems to be doin well anybody grown this strain ?
  11. ramie auto

    How much did your first grow yield?

    first grow was blue venom in a bubler 400 hps 3weeks 24/0 then flipped for 9weeks 5oz only pinched stems as was gettin big
  12. ramie auto

    Chaka's Doing Me Dirty! 1600 watt Headband

    subbed :cool:
  13. ramie auto

    Autos that don't Suck

    look up dutch passions think different high thc % and high yeilds
  14. ramie auto

    New Reserva privada Purple OG #18 grow ^^

    loks gd subbed
  15. ramie auto

    The UK Growers Thread!

    have been in newb section its not my first grow was only interested if any1 here has any experience with the strain as im doubtfull many newbs will have
  16. ramie auto

    The UK Growers Thread!

    why 19/5 over 20/4
  17. ramie auto

    The UK Growers Thread!

    any1 in here had any grows with th seeds burmese kush any pointers welcome grown in soil perlite 60/40 under 400 hps plants bout 3weeks 24/0 any help on veg times an wotnot bit of a newb :chonged:
  18. ramie auto

    The riu app

    ok this app continually tells me im either not logged in or dont have permission to post pics can you explain as i am clearly logged in ?
  19. ramie auto

    th seeds burmese kush

    oh plant is 2weeks old gave 1/4 strength biobizz grow an topmax micro today lights on 24/0 as im runin a skunk mass auto at 4weeks
  20. ramie auto

    th seeds burmese kush

    hey ther newb here am growin burmese kush in soil/perlite 60/30 under 400 hps in just intersted if anyone has any experience on growing the strain pointers b much appreciated :chonged: