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  1. F

    Attitude- Ordered 3/4, Dispatched 3/9, Rec'd 3/16

    here is the secret, don't F*** this up. ONLY ORDER SEEDS. freebies? no. we orderd just seeds, and got the free seeds. if we had ordered a free kazoo, then we wouldn't have anything yet.
  2. F

    Tude orders/promos delivery

    got all of my 44 seeds today!!! 44 seeds suckas!! breeders packs!
  3. F

    Dam Attitude..Wtf

    what an idiot
  4. F

    Tude orders/promos delivery

    ok so did anyones orders ACTUALLY ship?? we have tracking and ours "shipped" but is it going to be a shirt?
  5. F

    EDIT vs TUDE vs SingleSeedCenter

    i love how you bash EDIT and then they DELIVER.... nothing really to say. you pwned yourself.
  6. F

    From DD's Himself

    no one fucking cares
  7. F

    LMFAO, G13 from Greedthumb isn't even DoubleD's Cut

    this whole thread, every comment, the subject matter, and all involved are f***ing retarded. just step back, and realize. you're e-fighting about some phantom pot. get a life.
  8. F

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    snowstorm works just fine directly added to water, nutes, res, soil, etc.. (though apparently not good for airstones cause it makes algae) near immidiate effects.
  9. F

    Kitty's Commercial Grow Op-Bigger & Better Every Day!

    yes, mixmatched, uneven plants, of random age and origin, and without knowing if that batch of genetics is good, will definitely take over 50% away on the yield side. no matter, you knew what it would be. you are professionals. the third harvest gm/watt ratio SHOULD make these kiddies shit...
  10. F

    AK 47 and Puple haze

    just my preference, but i feel like the 1st gen LARGE fan leaves, with red stems, are useless. i always get more growth without them. shes fat, not done though
  11. F

    Day/Night Temperatures

    right. and if these idiots had any common sense, they'd realize the entire INDICA strains all came from afgan/iran/iraq, etc... thats whats being grown in america now, buds from a place with that type of temp swing.... theres a REASON we love those indicas. try treating them like they are...
  12. F

    Gravity / Bushmaster = Roundup

    this thread makes me laugh, the original poster must be an idiot
  13. F

    So about Miracle gro...

    its more about yield, quality, strength, and taste. i gaurantee you will NEVER get those with miracle grow. (coming from a former MG user, now using Fox Farm and seeing over ten times the growth) but what do i know.
  14. F

    how to tie down a plant?

    step 1: wrap "PLANT VELCRO" around main stem, leave 2-3" gap step 2: tie ANY string to PLANT VELCRO step 3: tie string down to the pot. step 4: every 3-7 days pull it down another 3-5 inches.
  15. F

    Foliar feeding snowstorm

    i use snowstorm every feeding. 1/2 TSP per gallon. takes 3 feedings to take effect. you can use 1/2 TSP per gallon and never get burn, or have to raise the lights. Foliar? don't bother.
  16. F

    Dutchmasters Reverse,a study of hermie's.

    hermie plants sprayed with extra chemicals, sounds like THE SHITTIEST BUDS EVER
  17. F

    Sugar Daddy ???

    listen to me. i use it. i use technafloras whole line. sugar daddy does the same thing as "carboload", any 'sweetner', AND molasses. its all just sugar in one form or another. sugar daddy is rocking.
  18. F

    Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

    i don't look at separation of products as a bad thing. read the chemical analysis. you should KNOW WHAT you WANT to buy. its not magic, its literally SCIENCE.
  19. F

    Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

    you will always get better results mixing nutrients fresh. elements combine over time and form compounds (nute lockout) as water evaporates salts increase. there is a distinct reason why products are separated by specific groups of chemicals. if by PROFIT you mean, the only way a company can...