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  1. Kushyman


    Miracle-Gro is also owned by Scotts, which is a HUGE supporter of Monsanto. Miracle-Gro is mass produced, made with inferior ingredients that are cheap and destructive to the environment. Scotts has been found guilty many times in US Ferderal Court of purposely mislabeling products with...
  2. Kushyman

    What nutrients can I use on a very low budget?

    Your soil is the most important thing. Cannabis I would say needs more of a compost than a fertilizer. You can get by a lot cheaper this way, and with a minimum chance of burning your plants. Good luck!
  3. Kushyman

    Just ordered from Herbies - Anyone else?

    Used a debit in December at SSC, which is in the UK, not a problem, unless this is something that went into effect 2014
  4. Kushyman

    Hemp Depot

    My last order from Single Seed Center didn't seem to have gone through customs either, there was no declaration sticker or anything to do with customs on the package. I like hemp depot prices, i plan on giving them a try.
  5. Kushyman

    Is anyone out there paranoid?

    You took a 7 month tolerance break!!! Man, I wish I could take a one month tolerance break, but do to all of the world stressors . . .
  6. Kushyman

    whats the best cloning solution??

    I use the most generic off the shelve cloning powder from my local garden store ($4.99), not because I'm cheap, but it has always worked. I place my clones in a large styro foam cooler covered with cling wrap. Lightly spray them 3 or 4 times a day. Ghetto, yes, does it work, yes, not bragging...
  7. Kushyman

    Anyone else going for the Attitude xmas promo?

    Great! Received my order safe and sound, took 11 days. Malawi (Ace Seeds), Super Silver Haze (Green House), Kosher Kush (Reserva Privada), Kandy Kush (Reserva Privada), Sour Tangie (DNA), and Bubble Cheese (Big Buddha), Flower Bomb Kush (Strain Hunters). Free Seeds AK-49 (Vision Seeds) and Big...
  8. Kushyman

    Anyone else going for the Attitude xmas promo?

    I agree, Attitude has some of the better prices and great freebies, but if you can't get them . . . I am waiting on an order from Single Seed Center (much more expensive and not so great freebies), but if they can get thru, then it is almost worth the extra cost, at least I will get what I...
  9. Kushyman

    Buying seeds is addicting

    Let us know if you receive your order ok. (That is without customs throwing a wrench in it).
  10. Kushyman

    Dr. Grinspoon - Any thoughts on this strain??

    I can't say anything bad about barney's, I have ran the blue cheese, turned out very well, just as described. However, the Pineapple Chunk, which is suppose to be a Indica dominant took over 100 days to finish flowering.
  11. Kushyman

    Barney's pineapple chunk vertical grow.

    I must have a weird pheno of this strain, I just harvested my Pineapple Chunk, and get this, at day 106 (from 12/12), granted I am growing under a 400 hps, but 106 days!!! I guess that is a problem that you run in to with hybrids, looks like I got the sativa part of the genetics.