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  1. MidnightToter

    First feeding of nutes

    At that age all i give is a little Super Thrive to the water. At that age all they really need is water and light
  2. MidnightToter

    why are my ppms going up now?

    That is just showing u that the plants are up taking more water than nutes at this time. Topping off with fresh water is all u need to do. Once u learn ur plant u will be able to see just how much nutes ur plant is taking in and will be able to adjust accordingly. It will help save u money...
  3. MidnightToter

    Power Loss

    Thx Its been a few days now and the plants seem to be fine. Hell they even shoot up about 3 inches
  4. MidnightToter

    3x3 or 4x4 Grow Tent. How many Plants for Best Yeild

    I personally would say 2x10 gallon pots in a DWC or RDWC system. Monster crop and SCROG them.
  5. MidnightToter

    White dusting on fan leaves??? Please help.

    U can but I don't know if I would. U can still get mold out doors. I would try to fix the problem first before I chop. And get the best out of ur plant.
  6. MidnightToter

    Power Loss

    ThX everyone for ur replies. Dawg that really was the concern of my question. I'm not worried about the lights. I was more concerned with my roots in water with no air.
  7. MidnightToter

    Power Loss

    I lost power for about 6 hours last night while I slept due to a storm. My babies where in a RDWC System. My question is how bad or at all will this hurt them. Never had it happen before so I don't know what to expect. Thx in advance
  8. MidnightToter

    First time growing: Yellow & Dying.

    U are correct it is a Nitrogen Def.
  9. MidnightToter

    Need Your Two-Cents

    To me its looks like a Cal-Mag issue and maybe a nitrogen Def.
  10. MidnightToter

    Not sure what to do.

    And ur Res temp?
  11. MidnightToter

    Not sure what to do.

    Can i ask what where u running ur PPM's at? And what nutes/organics where u using?
  12. MidnightToter

    how much longer?

    Read the Tric's that the best way to figure it out
  13. MidnightToter

    how much longer?

    They look done, but have u looked at the Tric's. Always ur best way to determine weather their done or not
  14. MidnightToter

    Critical Kush??

    Good to hear!! She has been taking off, so i'm going to sit back and let her go at her pace. Thx for all the feed back
  15. MidnightToter

    My babies our dying a I can't diagnose what's wrong with them can someone help a newb

    I agree too many plants in that small area, but it looks like an "N" def. But other than that they don't look that bad to me
  16. MidnightToter

    "I'm no professional, but I sure smoke like one"

    "I'm no professional, but I sure smoke like one"
  17. MidnightToter

    Critical Kush??

    Thanks Cap and Mo. Any sensitivity problems?
  18. MidnightToter

    Where is my buds?

    Now that's some shit u don't see everyday!!! SMFH
  19. MidnightToter

    What was your ROOKIE mistake?

    over vegging 8 plants in a 4x4 tent. By the time i flipped them it looked lke scene from Mutual Omaha. Funny NOW, but back then i was really freaking out LLS
  20. MidnightToter

    Critical Kush??

    Hey folks. Just looking to see if anyone has grown Barney farm CK? If so any tips?