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  1. dankerous

    Top shelf vs Connsoueir

    well let me put it this way, I have smoked a fair amount of Og and diesel etc,some grown here some from in dispensaries in the states,and to be fair most of the Og I tried was pretty unimpressive, standard spicey indica with maybe a hint of lemons or fuel,so I would pick some well grown AK47...
  2. dankerous

    Change of Cannabis Law in the uk 27th of february!!!

    Respect to you for that man, more people need to think like that,
  3. dankerous

    Change of Cannabis Law in the uk 27th of february!!!

    I have the crown court sentencing guide,you can find it on their website, it is 9 plants 40gs per a plant that info comes from the court sentencing guidelines, Also it has little to do with the government and more to do with the head of drugs squad in the uk saying we havent got the...
  4. dankerous

    Poll to compliment Buck's 'Trayvan Martin' Thread

    I know this is probably a bit odd sounding,but considering Zimmerman was known to not be all there in the head, do you not think he could of smashed himself on the head after shooting this kid?,like oh I just shot some one I may get questioned about this,maybe I should make it look like we had a...
  5. dankerous

    are these g-13 worth keeping?????

    Again I don't want to give you a straight yeah or no,as if anything happens I dont want to be in anyway responsible,still they look salvageable and it would be a waste of some ok looking plants,as I say the fact they didnt try and take your equipment says they arent bothered,Im sure if they...
  6. dankerous

    Blackstar UFO LED 2 Plant Closet Grow

    well they arent that small any more man,those shots are from last month,I actually had 9 seedlings(5 females 4 males),but intentionally culled all but 2, 1 female 3d and one male chemmy jones,for a breeding project,still the girl looks like this now. My advice to you is to stop your plants...
  7. dankerous

    are these g-13 worth keeping?????

    Well they are obviously aware that you are growing if that is the case,but with the new uk legislation you would only get a fine/community service or a discharge,so I imagine to them its not worth the hassle,you arent producing anything near enough to make them money from processing you like...
  8. dankerous

    Top shelf vs Connsoueir

    its horses for courses mate,alot of uk/europeans all love lemon flavored herb,I personally don't mind it,but would rather something more unique like soem cheese/green crack/casey jones etc,we all have very different tastes and chemical make ups so will always have slightly different opinions on...
  9. dankerous

    Blackstar UFO LED 2 Plant Closet Grow

    Dude I would recommend dropping your light down or raising your plants,here are my last few at day 15,only 2 days older yet I have 5 nodes and they are only about 3.5 inches tall.I am also only using a 90 watt LED ufo
  10. dankerous

    show us the nugs!

    Yeah,to be fair I think being a good grower is part of the reason the nugs are so good,my avatar was grown under a 125 watt cfl as well,and she was a rock hard monster,anyway back to the matter at hand,. Model type- Purple par 90 watt,full spectrum Some people wrongly use the term “lumens”...
  11. dankerous

    show us the nugs!

    Here is my 3rd Dimension,she has atleast 2-3 weeks to go,and is anything but airy fluffy buds,and is literally under a 90 watt LED.
  12. dankerous

    Two patients in the same house = 14 plants total?

    One thing I would say is,have them in separate rooms,as if you put all 14 in one room it will look like 1 grow,so really you should both have separate shows in separate rooms :)
  13. dankerous

    Why aren't breeders trying to make strains with zero smell?

    Man there is plenty of low odor strains,-Chronic-smells like apple blossom/candy,hardly like pot,then you have Euforia by dutch passion, big bud by sensi seeds, northernlights smells but again more of a apple blossom/earthy vibe,do your research,as there is plenty of low odor strains ;)
  14. dankerous

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    you know i used to make a burger as a chef called the coronary, 2 x fresh beef mince burgers,talking least half pounders x 2 and then a fried egg,2 rashers of bacon,a ring of pineapple,fried onion,cheese,mayo and ketchup,and a toasted bun,with tomatoes and lettuce too,personally never had...
  15. dankerous

    100's of old seeds, circa...This is your fathers marijuana!

    I agree with most of this,one point I want to make,even if it is a landrace sativa,all you have to do is not plant it in the ground but have it in a pot,and have a tent/shed in the garden or something to give it 12/12 from the start,as most equatorial plants get 14 hrs light 10 dark n then bit...
  16. dankerous

    Triploid Female

    Baby Feminized reserva privada cole train(silver haze x trainwreck),going to cross her with a chemmy jones male, (thai x train wreck x chem d) :)
  17. dankerous

    Top shelf vs Connsoueir

    I agree with most of this,apart from top shelf bourbon is normally makers mark which is also the nicest bourbon going,and I have a whiskey shelf with 22 bottles on so I know ;),call me a connoisseur,I normally have a few different jars of herb too ;),. But I will agree price doesnt always...
  18. dankerous

    Top shelf vs Connsoueir

    A connoisseur strain is a strain that has quality's over another strain,normally looks/taste,now certain phenos of certain strains will be nicer,so you could get a particularly nice bit of AK that would be a connoisseur strain,just as you could get some crap OG as mids,connoisseur to me is any...
  19. dankerous

    I killed my fourth male today. . .

    we started smoking it as we originally grew the plant for fiber and for seeds to eat,so we would burn any material left as it made a use for it,(keeping us warm)just so happened that the fumes got us high and also smelt nice,so we started burning it in side teepee like tents,that was the...
  20. dankerous

    Picking a strain...A simple question.

    any skunks are easy strains,generally alot more forgiving,as are northernlights, skunk however has alot more variations, I would get a pack of sensi seeds skunk#1 or even a couple and hunt a special pheno from that,my mate found one pretty much the same as cheese,but has more of a rotting...