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  1. B

    What is the best organic additive for flowering?

    What is the best organic additive for flowering? Not just one but a few would be nice so I can find something easily!
  2. B

    My grow is done

    You should still be able to plant something down there hell up here I just put mine out try some fast flowering strains from the north and maybe you could still pull something off!
  3. B

    Transplanting outdoor Q.

    I would just plant them right in the ground through the bucket away Spend some time and find a good spot with some decent soil thats it! Oh and horse and cow manure is easy to get and is great fert/soil. I put mine in straight horse shit and they love it about a inch a day of growth I put them...
  4. B

    Ph Male with Photos Strange Leaf. Please Help!

    Well your water without viniger will bring it back up just quit using viniger lol! Oh and the pix are males!