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    ??High Thoughts??

    Keep the HIGH THOUGHTS Coming in. I knew this would be good. I had a good one yesterday night when i was burnin before i went to bed but i can't remember.

    ??High Thoughts??

    Hello i want to start this thread n i think it should be a sticky in the toke n talk section of the forum. I don't really have and HIGH THOUGHTS right now but everyone else please feel free to excercise your right to free speech. Any HIGH THOUGHTS post em here. I just think it would be funny...

    What did I buy?

    he sold you some elephant cum

    Germination Techniques

    Just wonder what other germination techniques people r using besides a wet napkin. I heard someone say once u can put'em in a glass of water and they'll sprout. This is not a question thread. Just post ur comments or don't.:peace::joint::mrgreen: Also, anyone who post there ideas i will add to...

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    Any Devin the Dude CD but prolly the best weed song is Cutcha Up on the Waiting to Inhale Cd.

    How can i hurry things along a bit with a mainly sativa strain? :-)

    See! He is totally feeling the good vides man

    Feminised Seeds

    I just want some feedback on people that have used feminised seeds and how successfull they have been and any other info that u would like to share thanks:joint:

    safe way to get good seed stock?

    Its illegal to have seeds sent here and u assume all risk. But its say i promise. At worst you might be out of what u sent if customs gets it. But i believe they will replace what was lost. But honestly when was its sent its just says gift on the customs label. I r dont work for them but i...

    safe way to get good seed stock?

    the best places r Gypsy Nirvana's Seed Boutique and Cannabis Seeds | Marijuana Seeds have order from both over web with a credit card and have got what i order. The second link which is The Attitude seed bank has awesome freebies and they also have to fast delivery time from what i have experienced

    Just tried a new seed bank

    I agree on the reliability or Gypsy now Seed Boutique. they have always come thru for me. But i also do agree and the poor quality of the old freebie stock. I think for sure now i'm gonna just order from attitude.

    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    I shave my shit and my balls cause it make my shit look bigger and the pussy got to be shaved like a baby. My balls are as smooth as eggs. And i bet if i pulled my balls out in front of ur old lady she would be like "My God, those balls are as smooth as eggs! I will suck them" Haha:hump:

    Anyone Addicted?

    Gotta have to barre baby. If u know what it do!

    How can i hurry things along a bit with a mainly sativa strain? :-)

    patience brother. These things r never rushed. Just let them do there thing and watch them after a few different grows(if u use the same or similar strains) you will know what they need and don't need. U r there God so act like it. Givem fresh air light good soil and pay attention to what theyre...

    Music to Smoke to @_@ (suggestions)

    Bob Marley Peter Tosh and any DUB reggae and also any SCREW Tapes RIPDJSCREW

    Fox Farms Ocean Forest

    Fox Farm Ocean and Forest is the fucking shit i swear buy it. I use it wen i grow a few plants inside in the winter. And i add it to my soil mix when i go outside in the summer. With the right balance of nutes. to much phos. when ur flowering will kill em quick. but its the shit buddy.

    Just tried a new seed bank

    Yeah. I can't wait til spring!

    OMG will it never come!!!???

    I order from them like 2 years ago i got the little roor gift package with like the little blue label one. God i love that little bastard. Its mad quite a few of my friends puck and it gets me sometimes. But anyway i had now problems with them but i did get the most exspensive shipping to...

    Just tried a new seed bank

    i just got my seeds from them today i ordered them on the 12th and they sent me a shipping confir. email on the 13th or february and i got them on the 20th. I got Barneys Violator kush fem. and Barneys Blue Chees Fem. and i spent the price to get free seeds and got some G13 labs Northern Lights...

    Marijuana Seeds

    I got my order from the attitude i haven't picked it up yet but the post man left a note that i have to sign for it i guess i didn't realize i got registered but it guess i did. Oh well goin to pic up in the mornin. gigaty gigaty allllriiight!:hump:

    ????Feminised Seeds????

    Also nice to meet a fellow statesman. I use the FoxFarm ocean and forest mix ex$$$pen$$$ive stuff but u can't argu with the results. I get from a grow shop in richmond called ILOVEHYDROPONICS the guy gives me pretty good deal on soil when i get more than five bags. U should look it up...