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  1. G

    Help! Leaves are turning orange.

    Here's my 5cents. If you look at that particular bud, its actually very leafy and burnt. That bud is trying to reveg because you're using a HPS and its TOO close to that particular bud causing it to get too hot aswell. Altough your temp is 70-78 at that particular bud it's not. This is why your...
  2. G

    Entire plant went limp, leaves fine?

    I'm wondering if this has any relation to turgor pressure. It seems like such a rare case that it could be something as simple as lacking co2? Your pistils are already browning and the size isn't as big as one would hope for. Did you move this plant somewhere else without any ventilation ?
  3. G

    Buds still small ??

    Look at this chart bro and try stick in the green zone and you'll be 'MORE' optimal :grin: Says in there leaf temp is cooler by about 2.8c so take that into consideration too.
  4. G

    Buds still small ??

    Better to take more advice as I should have said that's my assumption. Your plant is stretchy, hard to tell the colour of the leaves from the photos, could heat be also another issue? Then again high heat and low humidity would bring your vpd to epic numbers. Lol In saying this, from the...
  5. G

    does darkness before harvest ACTUALLY do anything??

    Funny thing is, all the buyers want Green buds.
  6. G

    does darkness before harvest ACTUALLY do anything??

    A lot of these theories are contradicted by the fact that plants transpire at night. Much less than during the daytime, but yes they transpire at night which is what all professional greenhouses take into account for having a large first feed of the day to prevent the EC buildup which occurs...
  7. G

    Buds still small ??

    Your humidity is causing an extremely high vpd The high VPD is causing your stomata to close to prevent water loss. This causes less transpiration, less nutrient uptake yadada.. Find the balance my friend..
  8. G


    Everyone caught up in VPD. Transpiration rate is also affected by wind speed. Which is a lot easier for indoor growers to control. There was a study I read long ago where good air circulation can increase the photosynthetic rate by 60%+ . Doubt anyone on the forum wants to read it but if they do...
  9. G

    Light intensity

    Do you remember when these bottom leaves started to get like this? There's a chance that everything is already in balance as your new growth seems to be okish and you mightn't need to worry about it at all. But as always, listen to other opinions aswell. What's your temp+humidity?
  10. G

    This is my plant

    What are you trying to achieve exactly? I would induce stretch on that! its way too tight! But some like it that way ;o)
  11. G

    HELP - Do I have spider mites???

    To look for mites, its a lot easier to check under the leaf, they'll be like dark spots that have tiny legs. Don't let the coco dry out fully, because that's how salt buildup happens. If you really want to let it dry out, make sure you have a LOT of runoff on your feeds, measure the runoff but...
  12. G

    Reflective walls

    You need to stop making up bs and quote where I said this. I see you've been so butthurt that i said i can pull 20+ with the scrog method with 8. Pull your head outta your arse. This is one of the reasons why I dont feel like sharing techniques and methods on this forum. Makes growers like your...
  13. G

    Reflective walls

    Happy to be educated!
  14. G

    Reflective walls

    People say gloss/shiny/mirrors absorb light.
  15. G

    Reflective walls

    I use a product called ADF diamond foil which claims a 97% reflectivity without any hotspots. TBH I didn't really notice any difference going from white paint.
  16. G

    VIETNAMESE Strains

    I had some in sg about 16 years ago and it was weak. However, this thread confirms the stories I've heard from some veterans who say they used to hallucinate about walking on clouds with the stuff they smoked there. Next time I'm there I'll defintely try find this fabled strain, sadly they're...
  17. G

    Hi I don't want to post because i write this ALL the damn time, but I run 70-90% humidity...

    Hi I don't want to post because i write this ALL the damn time, but I run 70-90% humidity without a single problem. As long as you have good AIRFLOW, ventilation, (i use 4 ceiling fans) and a strain thats not prone to rot then you're fine.
  18. G

    Spider mites at the end of flower.....

    Pyrethrin is actually toxic to fish if it gets in the waterways. Pemethrin is the synthetic version of pyrethrin and used more in agricultur as it lasts longer. But in either cases both would work just the same i gues as your at the late stage... During every crop, I use permethrin when i start...
  19. G

    I’m tired af...trimming harvest. How to postpone this ?

    Trim jail! My longest session has been 12 hour days for 6 days straight when my partner was stuck overseas from covid. Luckily we now use a machine and with 2 people and we do over 20 in a single day!
  20. G

    Norther lights

    The fact is there's too much saturation of mis-information online and even scientist disagree about sativa and indica. Indica and sativa has become the biggest shit show in the industry. From my years of growing. No one has ever truly guessed from a blind test if they were smoking indica or...