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  1. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    11/8/09 Update - Unit 2 Pics: C99 X BB 'bravo', C99 x BB 'echo', C99 x A11 As a first time grower, I'm in awe of the beauty and the thrill of the plants coming into bloom so I'm sure these pictures are quite redundant in some ways - but not totally useless at all. Here you can really get a...
  2. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    11/8/09 Update - Veg Room Before transplant & relocation In the Vegetation Room: The second major event was the transplanting of mother clones into the dutch bucket system just put into the veg room. There are some other left over mother clone cuttings standing by should anything go wrong...
  3. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    11/8/09 Update - End of the third week of flowering & beginning of the fourth. This is the first day of flower for unit 3. The flowering room after the new flower unit was added In the flowering room: Buds have really started to turn up at this point. Major changes are I've moved the...
  4. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    11/1/09 Update Group 3 The next big event was moving the plants of Group 3 in the veg room into flower units - I pulled quite a few males and put my strongest plants & desired mothers into flower units to give them more space. My 'duds' are in the last remaining veg unit - and they are duds...
  5. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    Group 2 & Mother Clones in Rockwool Group 2: Group 2 Roots: My Apollo 11 X C99 has really taken off and surprised me, she burst her neoprene collar (!) and is growing... like a weed. Long arms & lots of blooms, she's a lovely girl. I thought because of some bad luck early on - I'd end...
  6. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    11/1/09 Group 1 Update - C99 'grapefruit' woes I realize this could be over reaction of an over-anxious "parent," the place where the perceived damage is is also the part of the plant that faced away from the vegging light - but it could be something more... This is C99 'grapefruit' in full...
  7. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    11/1/09 Update - End of second week of flowering, first day of third week Hi again. A few things to show this week: a lot of moving around was done, plus I put an emergency flush through my dutch bucket system - the pics will explain why. But overall, things seem to be on track as we move...
  8. Apollonia

    Why thank you for the confirmation on your grow methods, which look excellent. I'm still new so...

    Why thank you for the confirmation on your grow methods, which look excellent. I'm still new so I like to practice & feedback like you gave me is wonderful. As for a love story with a lady named Apollonia... the only one that comes to mind is a storyline in Godfather II - Michael Corleone...
  9. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    And Georgi comes through again with a helpful tip & pointing me to a product that can help solve my problems. I tried to + rep you again, but they wouldn't let me! :mad: I'm going to bide my time & try again b/c you've asked me tremendously useful questions that pointed me in directions I...
  10. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    10/30/09 Update! - Sugar Blossom 'charlie' - the object of my affection has sprung a white hair or two - it's a girl! Blueberry 'bravo' is still playing hard to get. Sexed a bunch of plants by pre-flowers today, I only pull plants that I wouldn't want even if it was a female or that have shown...
  11. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    10/27/09 Mother Clones All mother clones have been transplanted into rockwool. In some cases there were only root bumps - in these cases I was able to swirl that portion of the stem in Olivia's coning gel & place into cubes. In cases where the roots were more developed I gently "painted" the...
  12. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    10/25/09 Group 3: 10/27/09 Group 3:
  13. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    10/25/09 Group 2: 10/27/09 Group 2:
  14. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    10/25/09 Flower Room: 10/27/09 Flower Room: 10/25/09 Group 1: 10/27/09 Group 1:
  15. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    Update 10/25/09 - End of first week of flowering Not too much to report here, just a few pictures. Since there is little to report - I thought I'd break from the format I'd decided on of one update per week and show some extra pictures & some side by side comparisons of the plants just with...
  16. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    My first too! :D But if you have any questions you think I can help you with, please ask, thank you for reading my thread!
  17. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    Whoa! +rep right back at ya! Thanks for those great links - I read them all - I'm using the strenth solution (1/2 strength) - that gave the best results in the UC Davis study. I'm pretty sure the browing is due to nutrient staining. No slime to speak of. What I do fear is removing plants...
  18. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    Welcome Georgi! And many thanks for the +rep! I look forward to hearing from you if you have any comments or questions or just want to follow along. Welcome! The SubCulture M: the the mycorhizzae... I'm watching daily & carefully and will update thoroughly as there is not much data on the...
  19. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    The bottoms of my plants - the Cinderellas & Cinderella crosses in groups 1 & 2 specifically - haven't looked so great, I thought it was solely due to lack of light penetration, but 3 days after the 1000W HPS was turned on, the condition seemed to worsen - given C99's reputation as a magnesium...
  20. Apollonia

    My First Grow: Aeroponics, LED veg, Super HPS flower, CO2 sealed room

    10/19/09 Transplanting mothers to Rockwool: 2 cuttings were taken on 10/11/09 from the 4 plants I want to use as mother plants, making them 8 day old clones as of today. Today they showed enough yellowing of the leaves, white root bumps & one or two small root branches to convince me it was...