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  1. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    my last hydro grow i flushed with plain water, now i will be using GHE Ripen for the last 10 days to see how it'll pan out. Ive read good things about it (mainly about it packing on weight) but we'll see how the taste is. Ill be able to compare quite well i think with my 2 closets hehehe :D
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    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Thanks for the reply! Ive done hydro before with the same system and although it yields (compared to soil) more I find that the bud tastes less good then the soil grow...
  3. W

    under ground growing?

    The best thing to do is rent a shovel and dig in 2 containers. Throw the excess dirt over and use 1 container for diesel generators and equipment and the other one for the plants. People have done it that way, but they also have been caught. To be honest, the best thing to do is imo a basement...
  4. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Here are some pictures of both grow area's. Both are now on 18/6 which ill keep em at for a few days... I think on friday or saturday ill pu em on 12/12, what do you guys think? Temps are between 20 C and 26 C.
  5. W

    1200 watt hydro/dirt Bubbles Grow Journal

    Hi everyone! I just started a grow yesterday. Ill state my equipment: Grow area 1: 4x4 ft GHE Dutch Pots Hydro System (12 bucket system) 600w Philips bulb Adjust-A-Wings medium reflector Philips 600w Magnetic ballast Some fans Grow area 2: 4x4 ft 11 pots filled with ATAMI soil premixed 600w...
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    Poor Poor Israel

    Israel is only reacting on bombings from Gaza and Gaza is not poor: Anyone who claims _ANYTHING ELSE_ is ignorant or is trying to spread propaganda to make terrorists look good.
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    Mirror Room...

    Glass will fuck up your grow. Just compare a 600w grow with a normal reflector and a 600w grow with a cooltube.
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    Why is my 1000w ballast cold?

    It sounds strange, but it could be the condensator in it which is blown up. Get a new condensator or throw away the ballast, because if it is the condensator which is broken the ballast can be detected by the power company. It fucks up the grid appearantly...
  9. W

    Blue Mistic pros and cons?

    Funny, for me they grow 3,5 feet and are very potent. They start flowering the 3rd week of 12/12. I have the from Royal Queen Seeds