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  1. J

    Kushie Kush

    Exactly, you showed me that floranova was not a synthetic , its kinda
  2. J

    Kushie Kush

    I am hurt , you showed me how floranova was organic and I am truly sorry for questioning you.
  3. J

    Kushie Kush

    Im with ya, I know a lot of people who identify a product by name and manufacturer who arent endorsing it, gotcha. Hey I just got back from the gym, im not a baller like you but il bet I got a few grand in my gym shorts, wanna compare knots with a non grower like me vs a perpetual legal grower...
  4. J

    Kushie Kush

    Nope, using a product is not endorsing a product but starting threads saying how good the shit works certainly is. Especially when you are new to the forum, have no bud pics yet plenty of garden pics, and say dumb shit like floranova is kinda organic. You have no clue. Im happy kushie kush works...
  5. J

    Kushie Kush

    I dont care what "you " do, but when you subtly try to pimp ur shit it bugs me. Its not that I hate any particular company whos garbage you use, its the fact you endorse the shit and claim big yields yet cant supply a pic of bud or money . I grow small scale yet I can bust out a pic of 3-4 K on...
  6. J

    Kushie Kush

    Does the fact you use 20 different bottles not make a bell go off in your head that says "hello, I think I dun bought me some water"? Just curious bow the crazy folk think is all
  7. J

    Kushie Kush

    Lol, the fact that you use 20 bottles and dont burn ur plants should tell you more than us. Just sayin
  8. J

    Kushie Kush

    Your new avatar is upsetting, ur last one was so neutral I cant even remember it, I remember the name but not the pic. I want to bash ur new ones head directly into the nearest curb. Just sayin. Lol
  9. J

    Kushie Kush

    So you do rock the stainless steel chain, I knew it . Dont worry bro, after you dump the 20 bottles of nonsense and get some botanical know how, you may be able to upgrade to silver and eventually even gold . Im more of a watch guy myself but I get how you guys think. After you upgrade to silver...
  10. J

    Kushie Kush

    Seriously, are you "that guy" who hits the club with his stainless steel chain shimmering with his fat sack of cut bar dope? You gotta be with the 20 bottles of nonsense you supposedly use. I picture you as that dumb white dude drivin his moms lexus with a pocket full of shit dope he bought cuz...
  11. J

    Kushie Kush

    But I get it, you are white and like rap music, you think that pure cocaine exist, Rick Ross ( former C/O) and Wayne talk about it so it must be out there. I mean im just a nobody but iv tested a chip off a brick on the docks that was far from 95%, just sayin
  12. J

    Kushie Kush

    I would, 5% inositol n im all over that shit, thats some butter. Floranova is in no way kinda organic. But you wouldnt know that, just like you wouldnt know that 5% impurities in cocaine is raw, no biggie, you just arent. "That guy " whom people should seek advice from
  13. J

    Kushie Kush

    I am a convicted felon, what your point is I have no idea, as far as why I bash you its pretty simple, you say shit like floranova is organic- ish and constantly endorse the 20 different bottles you use. You are using more bottles than the nutes the plant actually uses, you can try but you can...
  14. J

    Kushie Kush

    And? You wanna know about $1400 lbs outta cali, $250 lbs outta arizona, $18000 bricks off the docks or what? Im a felon for growing, crossing state lines and posession, whats ur point?
  15. J

    Kushie Kush

    God damn right I wont be workin that market, im a felon for growing personal, but I will be. "That felon" that makes a killing doing it illegally because a few possible months in county after legalization doesnt bother me. Il be damned if I tell fla govt where im growin, il leave that to you...
  16. J

    Kushie Kush

    Lol, no I didnt, I was building up to it, you should know how I post better than that. Dudes a fuckin retarded rep, and thats way worse than a normal rep, atleast normal reps talk shit that is hypothetically possible
  17. J

    Kushie Kush

    You have no problem showing pics of " your" garden, you have no problem talking about "your" perpetual grow that drops 3 pounds a month, yet you cant produce a pic of 3 lbs of bottled bud or any loot. If you didnt post pics of "your " garden id understand but you post pics so the hypothetical "...
  18. J

    Kushie Kush

    I dont think the thread will spiral out of control because its an AN thread, I think it will spiral iut of control because its a bull shit product being endorsed by a non grower who posts pics of his friends garden and says floranova is organic-ish. I think Sensi grow is fantastic as far as...
  19. J

    soul synthetics

    You use 20 different bottles, you are Big Mikes wet dream, there is no point debating logistics with you. You my friend are the very definition of placebo effect. You actually endorse "kushie kush" and describe floranova as "organic-ish", nothing more needs to be said. No need to respond as I...
  20. J

    soul synthetics

    Exactly, how many times have you heard something like " I used the GH 3 part on my first DWC run and it sucked, I used AN on my second and it was better and H&G on my 3rd and its great" , HELLO, do you think you are possibly just better with DWC after 3 grows? People give there nutes way too...