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  1. Guido Sarduchi

    Bread smell... too soon , too late , or something else all together

    So ive seen other people have similar happen but not many answers as to what happened.. wondering if anyone out there is aware... FOR SURE ... as to what the cause is. After a normal cure my Purple Train Wreck, usually wreaking of grapish fruity smells came off smelling like bread. One buddy...
  2. Guido Sarduchi

    Seeds and watering

    I know the one thing ive learned is there isnt consistency from one persons program to the next. I do however want to know what peoples watering schedules are for seedlings... Mine are about 2 weeks old (i usually work with clones that are established). They are about 6 inches tall and look nice...
  3. Guido Sarduchi

    Bloom booster regimen for each flowering stage

    BUD BLOOD.... first 6 to 8 days of Bloom ... everytime without question. Ive used it and not used it. Look at the number of people reporting issues in wk. 2 or 3 of flowering or small flowers. Its always under either bad lighting or just using reg. bloom ferts.They suck up tons of Phosphate and...
  4. Guido Sarduchi

    overheated big time... anything i can do after besides hope and cry

    Just a follow up to say thanks and let you all know it was all good... didnt show a single issue
  5. Guido Sarduchi

    overheated big time... anything i can do after besides hope and cry

    Thanks man.. I got ahold of our local guru and he said pretty much same thing.. always good when you hear the same answer twice in a row from 2 different sources :bigjoint:
  6. Guido Sarduchi

    overheated big time... anything i can do after besides hope and cry

    okay so last night i went to bad happy as hell... flowering in 1st week.. literally my forth day and overnight my AC exhaust falls out (screws werent long enough) ... 107 which is as high as my thermo goes was my max reading.. if i had to guess id say they were in this for hours at a minimum...
  7. Guido Sarduchi

    Caregiver question

    Holy shit i laughed so hard i almost pissed myself... after reading the whole thread i thoroughly agree..... lmfao....... sorry/thanks.... didnt mean to sound like such a douche!! which i did.
  8. Guido Sarduchi

    Caregiver question

    I have read the laws on this as well as upcoming proposals... it could be interpreted differently depending on how you read it. Why would i shut it down right now?? My shits the bomb yo!! Getting on here and asking got the quickest answer possible. Why I utilize this sight. Thanks for your answer.
  9. Guido Sarduchi

    Caregiver question

    I was really more concerned with travel and weight.. you dont have to consent i understand that... in the case i told them no and had a search warrant on it i want to make sure im within my legal limits is all.... i couldnt imagine trying to care for more then 10 plants anyways was kind of an...
  10. Guido Sarduchi

    Caregiver question

    say some one had 5 patients.. could they then have 60 plants ?? or is it still limited to 12 and the same for overall weight... can you now possess 2.5ounce x 5 patients..... 12.5 ounces... and is that at all the times. i.e. popo pulls you over and everythings locked up properly but you consent...
  11. Guido Sarduchi

    How is my plant doing? When should I start flowering?

    time to grow until flowering is typically related to hieght restrictions.... They look a little stretchy ( typically means light is restricted or not direct enough) . and at 12 hours they will flower... but only if theres no major light leaks... i.e. any house light. Im not trying to be rude...
  12. Guido Sarduchi

    Lil' Help. Pics of ripe Haze please.

    85% orange over the entire plant... check it daily it happens quick. tops will be done completely and about very bottoms wont be done at all.... that or partial crop . that what i did... take tops and middle buds and leave bottoms until done ... tough to do unless you have the time because...
  13. Guido Sarduchi

    first time harvest and cure... please help with photos!!

    First and foremost thanks to the communithy for getting me this far. This is the result of 4 months and five plants and my first run with alot of answered questions on RIU... I used 3 600 watts on a mover and had a heart attack 472 times with all the mistakes i made it still came out dense with...
  14. Guido Sarduchi

    2nd grow issues :( HELP!!!

    Was your first grow outside?? Did you harden them before putting them out?? Def. overwatered but only recently... from what i can tell anyways.. thats what mine always look like a day or 2 after ive done it anyways... could be too much nutes... theyre very dark ... If you overwatered take them...
  15. Guido Sarduchi

    The Purps: Ice Water Flush - effective?

    Purple does exist in genetics... I grow Purps and theyre good and healthy all the way through... but theyre Purple Trainwreck from Reserva Privada and my buddy took clones from the best of about 24 females... one friend of mine uses General Hydro but grows in a slightly different soil than...
  16. Guido Sarduchi

    The "ice thing" and does it work

    Flushing was the wrong thing to say.. ive been giving them regular water with cal mag added (25% recomended amount)
  17. Guido Sarduchi

    The "ice thing" and does it work

    Okay so im nearing the end of my flowering... day 52 and im telling one of my buddies about it (my first grow and I feel it went great , but much collaboration got me there) anyways he says are you going to do the ice thing... ive read alot of books so i figured he meant hash but he says that...
  18. Guido Sarduchi

    How tall could this plant get in this pot? should i transplant?

    1 gallon per month of life.. .figure out when you want to flower and get new planters accordingly... but do it soon.. much easier to transplant before the roots all make it to the outer edge.. .less shock... and use Superthrive... a savior in that process .. if you arent going to id say flower...
  19. Guido Sarduchi

    day 36 of flowering, worried about the buds...

    i use the general organics line.. .do yourself a favor and use some kool bloom as well .. thats my only guess other then lighting as to why thyre small... probably mainly the lighting.. i never seem to hear LED crossed over with large or huge yield. go HID... its proven.