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  1. B

    Which lighting system system is better

    Hanging your lights vert or horz?
  2. B VISC

    i read some mix reviews.
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    thats something subcool should answer hahah i emailed him before and he replied he does not sell to VSB
  4. B VISC

    someone open a legit seed bank that sells legit gear. lol
  5. B VISC

    not when i was buying the seeds! hahah
  6. B


    not from bangkok lol, just sounds cool hahah. ya i emailed subcool and he says he doesnt sell to VSB. i grew out subcools gear from OSB and they turned out really good. didnt know about TGA until i went there and gave it a try. trust me VSB sells fake TGA gears, they didnt even know TGA had...
  7. B VISC

    those workers are always, i will repeat ALWAYS high. i went there at like 12 and it smells like weed. days later i came by again around 3ish and it still smells like fresh burnt weed.
  8. B VISC

    dude ur not gonna get ur seeds, refer to my post in VSB and VISC working together.
  9. B


    i personally visited there store purchased some seeds and they were crap, i also purchased there TGA. i knew it was a fake but got them anyways. they came in vails not orgainal packaging. it says on the vail "TGA SUBCOOL SEEDS, JACK THE RIPPER, VSB". dont believe me? i still have the vail and 3...
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    Ontario Seed Bank Review

    you guys make it sound like there the only person, VSB sells TGA gear in vails. on the vail it says: "Jack The Ripper - TGA Sub Cool Seeds - VSB".i still have the vail if anyone wanna see it. btw i grew it out and it was shit.
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    Aggressive "Defoliation" Pruning Technique Test

    I'll do a test in a few weeks maybe like 50 plants vs 50 or something
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    Average distance of 1000w light to canopy

    At 5' from plants your plants must stretch like hell?
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    Aggressive "Defoliation" Pruning Technique Test

    subbed, really wanna see the results... and i think thats not selective... kinda think over doing it? i might be wrong.
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    Advanced Nutrients Sensi PH Perfect Series aint Perfect

    i tried to make a diy cloner, but i cant find a bucket that will fit around 80 sites thats not leak proof
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    question for hydroponic experts

    ya i know, i just cant do flood and drain.. personal reason.
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    question for hydroponic experts

    tried one, just taking care of multi plants is hard and alot of water.
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    Advanced Nutrients Sensi PH Perfect Series aint Perfect

    thank you! are you aero or dwc?
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    Advanced Nutrients Sensi PH Perfect Series aint Perfect

    Heres the truth u should know, it doesnt matter if someone has over 10 years of growing or someone just started out. just do whatever works for you. i used ANs full line (not sensi but GMB and not ph perfect) everyone rags on AN but it works for me. i've tried GH, i just saw better results for...
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    question for hydroponic experts

    i was just thinking about the drip system, if i put on a timer that feeds for 15 mins and off for 45 mins, wouldnt the roots get all dried up? (if roots grew out of the netpots) im using a 5gal bucket with a 5inch net pot in the middle.
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    Bubbleponics airline question

    Thanks for quick reply. So your saying if I'm doing bubbleponics it doesn't effect much because I'm running 24h? So I can run a line that's like 4 ft n still b ok? On another topic is that why aeroponic they use PVC pipes n not lines?