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  1. Chelseys Man

    massive cfl grow

    tell me what you think... its 30in tall. day 12 flowering
  2. Chelseys Man

    HERMIE PlAnTs?!? help!!

    help please
  3. Chelseys Man

    HERMIE PlAnTs?!? help!!

    so i have this hermie plant and a female plant growing next to each other. i just started flowering 7 days ago and i just started to see what sex they were. it has white hairs but yet has little pollen sacks on it. what should i do to not get my female pollenaded. should i move it to a nother...
  4. Chelseys Man

    tall plants

    so i have this plant that is growing very very fast. 1 to 2 inchs in 24hours. is growing to big for my space. im growing with cfls and i have this 27inch plant. is there any way to stop the growth or slow down the growth of a plant?
  5. Chelseys Man

    18 days old midget bonsai grow

    i had that problem.. then i gave it some nutes and it went crazy!
  6. Chelseys Man

    this IS my CFL setup

    yeah i have used tinfoil with no problems at all...
  7. Chelseys Man

    this IS my CFL setup

    :joint:sup every one tell me what you think about my new light set up. please comment. i have 3 26w (100w) on both side and 2 42w (150w) cfls in the middle! :joint:
  8. Chelseys Man

    First grow ever... Pics Included

    growing is so much fun! i cant wait till i get that far into flowering! im on day 6
  9. Chelseys Man

    hi all, old hand at growing but new to r.i.u

    welcome. best place for ALL growers is right here!
  10. Chelseys Man

    Check Out my Pics

    yeah not bad... i got some of those "grow lights" from walmart the tube ones with the plastic cover over them. they did not work out to well for me. i dunno you give it a try. tell me what you think. i find the screw ins better for me!!:hump: good luck.
  11. Chelseys Man

    Anyone Grow But Not Smoke?

    i grow it and smoke it!!
  12. Chelseys Man

    Moldy buds

    yeah dont smoke it
  13. Chelseys Man

    havested! 14 1/2 weeks

    dam man nice
  14. Chelseys Man

    fox farm ocean forest soil

    you will be good. just plant it
  15. Chelseys Man

    How much do you think yield will be?

    cfl power!! lol
  16. Chelseys Man

    Left Lights On for 36 Hours Flowering at 4 Weeks OK?

    if you switched it back it should be fine.... no worries
  17. Chelseys Man

    Help A girl out Please!!PICS ++rep

    dam thats weird