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  1. joeparak


    i live in iran and aint no seed banks around here brother!
  2. joeparak


    i donnno much about how it was pollinated tho it was a big ass 5inches bud with like 8 seeds in it does it tell anything about the gender of seeds?
  3. joeparak


    hey guys this would be my 2nd grow after my 4months old first grow turned out to be male this time i took some seeds outta some buds and i wanna know if seeds taken out of buds are 100% female or is there a chance of them being males too?
  4. joeparak

    sex ed

    it kinda sucks man but yeah guess i gotta start with a couple of new seeds,i just wasnt sure and couldnt tell if these are sacs or are they gonna turn into new growth tips but there sshoulve been white hairy pistils in their place at this stage right?
  5. joeparak

    sex ed

  6. joeparak

    sex ed

    its most def a male,there goes my first fuckin grow
  7. joeparak

    sex ed

  8. joeparak

    sex ed

    lol its my first grew and i have just one plant lol id be pretty bummed tho i hope its not a male this pics are taken with a 40x zoom of a jewelers loup tho js
  9. joeparak

    sex ed

    imma wait 2 more weeks on it tho to be sure but if its a hermie i should just remove the sacs or spray them with plain water right?
  10. joeparak


    aint no azmax around here a first grower from iran and its not that easy to get my hands on some stuff best i could do was alcohol and if i were to get caught carrying a bottle of alcohol in my bag theyd go sharia on my ass lol should i try soap tho?
  11. joeparak

    sex ed

    like in a week?i really hope they turn to be grow tips tho
  12. joeparak

    sex ed

    ive read it that its possible to tell the sex even in veg stage tho these look more like new growths to me
  13. joeparak

    sex ed

    how long till i can tell?
  14. joeparak


    so i got this 98% rubbing alcohol and mixed it 1 to 8 with water and sprayed the solution on my plants it works tho right?
  15. joeparak

    sex ed

  16. joeparak

    sex ed

    Hey guys so im two weeks into flowering n chill and my plant gives me this look lol is it a male or hermie or are these just normal female preflowers?
  17. joeparak


    hey guys im one week into flowering i had a fungi gnat problem and got rid of those fuckers real quick but the problem is they must have brought other bugs with now i have this mealy bug problem and i donno what to do with them i simply bash them with a surgical pence(not that effective...
  18. joeparak

    its flowering time

    just a few lower older fan leaves tho it seems like the yellowing has doubled in speed ive read somewhere its normal to lose leaves a bit more often during flowering tho right?
  19. joeparak

    its flowering time

    ive been flowering for a week and already ive lost two old fan leaves to yellowing and two other leaves are turning yellow is it normal or should i check something? and another thing i once accidentally gave my plant a ten hour night does it hermie my plant or make it revert to veggie?
  20. joeparak

    new box

    hey guys i moved my plant to a closet and this is what my new set up looks like id use some helpful comments its got 3x40w daylight cfls and a 12 dc v 2 a pc case cooler...the thing thats bothering me is the shadowy parts and whether i should put up some tin foils and the other thing is the fan...