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  1. G

    Pandemic 2020

    The accountability at best is the government takes some of that public cash and gives it to you to "fix" the problem. Sorry about your family member or kid. Does this make ya happy?? Run along now. This is the same reason they cant force a vaccine it in normal times. It is always a risk...
  2. G

    Pandemic 2020

    All of them, they are useful idiots. Helping people help themselves does not need a dictator. Only a dictator needs a dictator.
  3. G

    Pandemic 2020

    Blocking traffic with construction equipment during morning rush hour to use the opportunity to give out tickets. You see the "construction" was not shared and no one was aware they were going to be made late for work or for an interview or doctors appointment. In the back of the dump truck was...
  4. G

    Pandemic 2020

    I get it and know what they are doing. It is actually the reduction of spray and the distance it travels that is mitigated with a N95. Still does not stop mutations harboring in animals. This has already happened in the uk. Still does not cover the conflict of interest around vaccines with...
  5. G

    Pandemic 2020

    Good point. Too much to read and or watch when you could be pretending everything is the way the news tells you it is. Easy to piss it away becasue otherwise the work to get real justice or truth is not worth it. The fact is the bullshit the government feeds you is just that, especially in...
  6. G

    Pandemic 2020

    This was from you: "You do realize the reason the governments did not want people to wear medical grade masks, especially N-95 ones was because the medical community was already short of masks 'real' masks and competing with the general public for them would be a recipe for disaster? It would...
  7. G

    Pandemic 2020

    the video I was pointing out. Also my thought and experience. I have also worked in hospitals. I was a part of the union for some time. I would be called when they could not manage a difficult child from a behaviour stand point. Turns out I a non Doctor had to point out that youth forensics had...
  8. G

    Pandemic 2020

    Please try and grasp I am sure of the power of division and its use. Please understand I have spent 28 years traveling between the united states and canada working for the government, managing their failures . Usually quit a few lawyers involved and usually I get attacked for trying to actually...
  9. G

    Pandemic 2020

    The kern county boys were right and wrong about alot, cringe at times. However they were and are right about the miss use of lock downs and the formats used to manage this mess. They are continually right about the damage to children and families across many countries. Brutal and destructive...
  10. G

    Pandemic 2020

    That's a nice opinion; however I suggest you prove it. This is so you don’t get left out. Just take your phone with you and start running for-u-st. Maybe bring Charles with you so your make up is perfect the entire time. Remember it was the governments of the world that kept that round...
  11. G

    Pandemic 2020

    People who could care less about the people of any country are abusing this otherwise easy to manage situation and turning it into an attack on all things rational. I am so surprised that more people watching their neighbors suffer have not fought for reason vs cronyism. Large corps stay open...
  12. G

    Pandemic 2020

    I watched Dodge Ram commercials. Shh dont tell.
  13. G

    Pandemic 2020

    Soooo, you have been co opted into a conspiracy theory that I am paid by or militarized by foreign governments??? WOW! Laughing out Loud. You sure are extra special. Gota love you though. Keep on keeping on. Good luck, thanks for the laugh.
  14. G

    Pandemic 2020

    I would like to point out that at no point did I start this sharing of perspective with insults. This is imperative when addressing the important problem of vaccine acceptance. All perspectives and data should be shared and open. Honesty is also needed with out political garbage. Real people...
  15. G

    Pandemic 2020

    So you are lonely and desire negative attention? You so evil, feel better? Glad to help. Good Luck
  16. G

    Pandemic 2020

    I knew you couldent resist being special. Would ya feel better If I said you were right? Is that what ya need? That's cute and flattering but it wont fix what ails you. Your ego is massively invested in Division and the desire to be right above all else. Actually even if right you will hunt for...
  17. G

    Pandemic 2020

    This is a anti vaxer. I honestly don’t hate her because of her political view and its clear people on both sides of these issues need care and understanding to get past the division pushed by politicians and media. This has been radicalized from both sides equally. I think she probably has good...
  18. G

    Pandemic 2020

    Just for the record I have not made up my mind yet, need another source for the graphs and data she shared. Yes, I knew it would get you to regurgitate CNN group think and couldent help myself. I am the usual asshole with Petro Masculinity issues.
  19. G

    Pandemic 2020

    Ok, sounds fun. Found the usual suspects saying the same thing you did with zero data. What quack to listen to seems to be the question. I will dig deeper and try and get some "data or facts". Its like global warming when a weather station that used to be in the middle of a field ends up being...
  20. G

    Pandemic 2020

    However the crank shaft bearings only get premature wear because the ASE followed the dealership mandate to use crappy oil with low zink content. It saves them a few pennies and Joe schmoe has to buy a new engine or fight for the free engine at double the cost. Yeah the ASE Mechanic working for...