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  1. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    Ive tested my ph levels with a basic kit and judging by the color of the water in the kit its in between 6 and 6.5...I don't have the money to buy a ph meter so I'm just going with what I have....would I be better off buying drinking water from the store and adding cal mag or do you think I'm...
  2. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    I am using a putting soil bought from a local nursery, its a good quality but nothing crazy. I honestly did a flush about a month ago because I was having problems and it seemed to help out quite a bit. Just recently did I start having the yellowing of the fan I say before, it...
  3. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    Is there anything I can at this point or am I screwed?
  4. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    I already dropped 30 bucks on the fertilizer I currently have, you don't think its a sufficient fertilizer?
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    Unknown issues with grow

    I am doing lst like I said before, so those smaller leaves are new growth due to it being bent over. I had about 6 more large fan leaves to but I trimmed them off to promote new growth and/or because they were yellowing and getting brown spots on them.
  6. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    Are you recommending i get a new fertilizer with higher n ? or can i buy something that i can add along with the mother earth and calmag that will just boost my N?
  7. D

    Unknown issues with grow

    Hey, I've got a plant going into its 8th week of vegging and having some issues with the older fan leaves turning yellow. I was wondering if that is normal for some of the fan leaves to turn yellow and die off? Should i trim them off if they do? The overall growth of the plant is going...