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  1. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Stopped on by the home depot and grabbed some more soil and two 5" pots. Transplanted both of the judettes into containers that will be big enough till they are sexed at about 35 days. Either they are ladies or:twisted: they die a horrible death.:fire: So :peace: be to all. And to all a good...
  2. methias

    First GrowJournal Jock Horror Autoflower PC Case Grow PICS +REP TO ANYONE THAT POSTS.

    Think I'll kick back, plug in my extreme Vape and watch the show. Here's wishin you great luck and tight buds. Have fun storming the castle boys. :peace:
  3. methias

    Anyone get high off of dust cleaner? (Can of air)

    :roll:While we are on the subject of huffing strange shit, If any O your buds suggest huffing A/C refrigerant just shoot your friend.:dunce: It will be doing him a favor and most likely keep you alive. This craze has swept the country and the new refrigerant is a dehydrated ACID. No shit. It...
  4. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Thank you again for the advice. After watching Germination Methods 101 I realized the clear is not good. I will wrap brown paper around that to block the light. That way I can open to visually check the roots for repot time.. :shock: It still amazes me how much there is to growing these girls...
  5. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Thanks for dropping by. Lots of good info once you get past his babbling. Peace
  6. methias

    Some Vape questions

    I use booze to clean it out (Drambuie). If the globe is discolored from vaped bud the color is PURE THC. Warm up your fav liquor and give a bit of time to soak. Swirl, Nuke (for about 10 sec's) and repeat till the glass is clean. Now whatever you do not throw the booze away. But don't drink...
  7. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Welcome back all.:hug: I've got some pics of Judy's home to share. First her cabinet. As I described before Judy (and the Judettes) live under a workbench in a garage. There is not a lot of UP space so training is necessary. From left to right we have a black fan filtering all air entering...
  8. methias

    Is this Master Kush?

    Could be. well thanks for the pic and input and for stopping by.
  9. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Judy just woke up. Her AM is 8 PM. That way her lights are off during the hottest part of the day. It gets:fire: toasty:fire:sometimes here in S Cal. Even more so in Riverside County. Just added a small fan in the cabinet.:grin: Needed something to thicken the stalks. I have :joint: high hopes...
  10. methias

    Is this Master Kush?

    OK 2 more seedlings The Judettes 1 & 2 . Lets see WTF happens.
  11. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    And thank you for stopping by.
  12. methias

    Nyc Diesel, WW, Trainwreck,& bagseed Indica. 342 watts of cfl goodness w/more to come

    I see you got some really sweet ladies there. When do you think they will be ready? I only hope my little Judy & the Judettes do half as well.:weed: Thanks again for the assist on my grow.:hug:
  13. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Well Judy is now in a 12" round x 9" tall pot (was 8 x 7) and she has MG 60%, MG seed starter 20%, worm Castings 10%, or there abouts. I added a healthy dose of perlite as well. :shock: I picked up on a (slightly) better PH meter and I was sooooooo off. Turns out my tap water is about 5.2 but...
  14. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Turns out my ph was high. Don't know WTF I did. OK I gotta get a good digital PH meter. How much you think a good one will co$t me? :-?Anyone got ideas on which brands are good or which to stay away from. I see a load of em online. Thanks again in advance.kiss-ass
  15. methias

    Exhaust Dilemma

    :idea:Or move the lever over to recirculate and turn the fresh air off just like in your auto A/C. Assuming it has that option. When all else fails RTFI :twisted: Good luck :peace:
  16. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Thanks rombomb420, I think I will repot asap. Like tomorrow after work, pretty sure that's due. Gonna pick up a pot and more soil. Gonna PU some vermiculite and perlite to mix in too. I want to keep it as shallow as possible due to my low ceiling but I get the feeling shallow jus aint gonna do...
  17. methias

    Judyism. Something we can all believe in

    Indoor grow cabinet Soil (miracle grow potting soil 21-7-14) in a 8"round pot. (it worked on my other grow) 900 Watts CFL multi spectrum 18 hours on 6 off. lights within 4" of plant. She is a clone from a friend (Master Kush?) I have had her for 15 days and I think she was 1-2 weeks old...
  18. methias

    Read This First!

    Indoor grow cabinet Soil (miracle grow potting soil 21-7-14) in a 8"round pot. (it worked on my other grow) 900 Watts CFL multi spectrum 18 hours on 6 off. lights within 4" of plant. She is a clone from a friend (Master Kush?) I have had her for 15 days and I think she was 1-2 weeks old...
  19. methias

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    twogreenthumbs try assembling the whole thing and running the fans and lights to see how warm it gets in there. Thats how I found out my original fan setup sucked. I fixed the nursery before bring any babies in. Glad I did or Judy would be dead now. Good luck with your grow and may all your...
  20. methias

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    That beats the hell out O my scrubber. Great post wolfman. Looks like there is gonna be a run on those parts at wallyworld. + rep