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  1. gohydro

    NFT Harvest.....Bubblegum & Hash PICS!

    This started out as a DIY for a new NFT system and eventually turned in to a sort of a grow journal.....Here are the results with links to pics. Buds Hash...
  2. gohydro

    Seedlings in an Aero System

    Did you look at the Aerotub grow thread I sent you? THat ought to answer many questions you have.
  3. gohydro

    Seedlings in an Aero System

    I'll answer your questions tomorrow. In the mean time here's 2 links.....1 to a rubbermaid tub grow and one to my NFT system
  4. gohydro

    Seedlings in an Aero System

    No, rockwool is meant to go from wet to dry with no problems. What kind of Aero system? Rubbermaid tubs?
  5. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    OK...I promise this is the LAST thread of what started out as a DIY post and ended up a grow journal. Again thanks to all who have followed! Signature in picture. :hump:
  6. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    Just wait until you see the finished product! :shock: I'll catch ya later tonight on PM.
  7. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    Now that the harvest is done I figured I'd make my hash so I have a little something to smoke while it dries/cures. $35.00 Walmart food dehydrator with a plastic "Fruit Roll-Up" tray comes in handy although I've never made fruit roll-ups. :) :bigjoint: Another few hours and I should be good...
  8. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    Yeah....much better. I didn't get more herb, I just has no leak issues or root problems. It was MUCH easier to maintain too.
  9. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    They look schweetttt! Lets take this to PM instead of clogging up the thread and we'll discuss gettin together.
  10. gohydro

    Seedlings in an Aero System

    Just use the small rockwool cubes inside the bigger ones if you dont have hydroton. Do the same thing if the roots are too long to put in the cube carefully......slit them down the side and lay the roots in. Remember to soak the rockwool cubes in 5.7ph water over night before putting the sprouts in.
  11. gohydro

    Seedlings in an Aero System

    I like to germ the seed first, then put it in a Rapid Rooter plug and put that in your netpot surrounded by Hydroton. Look at the DIY link under my signature and you'll see what I mean. I used clones but it's the same thing. If the root is more than 1/4" long after germing, slit the RR plug down...
  12. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    I KNEW you'd pick up on that! LOL. Sheesh bro....gimme a day to clean the rez and those netpots will be in the dark PVC tubes where algae won't be an issue. Gotta time our grows so we can swap clones. Once we do that I feel a roadtrip comin on.
  13. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    Thanks growinman. I appreciate your kind words and your + rep. I'll post some hash pictures in a day or so. Not sure if I'll do a journal on this upcoming grow since I started from beans. My objective is to get a few good Moms rather than a lot of smoke....but you never know. I might get lucky...
  14. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    Thanks to all who have followed this thread, and a special thanks to those who provided a + rep. Below are the results. Pic 1- All cut down from the new DIY NFT system Pic 2- Trimmed buds/colas. Estimated dry weight is about 1lb Pic 3- I should have trimmed a little more of the side...
  15. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    That's why I built the NFT system....too damn impatient to wait. :hump:
  16. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    I dunno know how this works. I look at the trichs every day trying to anticipate when. It's like " Nope, not today, nope, not today either, nope, not today....then Oh Shit....where are my scissors?!!!) Amber trichs at about 35% so soon my friend, soon. :hump:
  17. gohydro

    6" PVC system

    Hey Loud....Nope...not just yet!
  18. gohydro

    Are you F**king kidding me?

    Oh even has the optional Prince Albert Ring Holder on the handle!
  19. gohydro

    Are you F**king kidding me?

    Jesus'd think they'd at least paint the inside of that thing pink! :hump:
  20. gohydro

    Are you F**king kidding me?

    I once worked with an old time carpenter who drove 2 hrs each way to the job. He'd drink a 12 pack on the ride home every afternoon but didn't want to take the time to pull over and take a leak. His solution? He took a 6' piece of armaflex (the rubber pipe covering you see around air...