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    Racist Biden.

    Yes. Did you actually read that linked article? That is the most poorly-sourced, embarrassing retort I have ever read. They literally appeal to emotion as a beginning and end point. Literal encapsulation "maybe so, but...muh racism!" ...No.
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    9, 40, or 45

    The cliff notes version is that in any realistic self defense scenario, for me, the order of importance is: 99.9999% how quickly I unholster/how well I shoot my weapon. 0.00001% ballistic impact differential in 9mm, .40, .45. The odds of a scenario in which 9mm P++ would not stop a target...
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    9, 40, or 45

    9MM. Because I found one that fit my hand perfectly. Did a cursory overview of real world ballistics and realized that it not need be more complicated than that.
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    Racist Biden.

    Are you suggesting that I am a Marxist? Did you read my post at all? Maybe reread?
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    Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

    Revolt Against the Modern World- Julius Evola.
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    Racist Biden.

    I am of a political persuasion/understanding that is foreign to the posters in this thread, insofar as I can tell. Alas, I have a golden rule that has served me well in navigating American politics: Conservatives are wrong about everything, then work backwards from there. Consider this thread...
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    What has Trump done to this country?

    Seems like an honorable dude, albeit misguided in my view. America is not a country in the historically understood conception. It is rather a land mass housing gentile labor, run by un-elected, largely un-named oligarchs. The goal of these oligarchs is to export global usury schemes and...
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    Beans finally popping but they are all droopy as hell..what do fam? (Pics)

    I've got the light on now. If these beans survive it may be the single greatest advert for Sweet Seeds in human history. "These beans are so good a guy forgot to turn the light on the first week and they still survived."
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    Beans finally popping but they are all droopy as hell..what do fam? (Pics)

    LMAO I am trying to find the link of the Youtube channel that I am following. Dude said if it's not green yet there is no need for light. lol FFS man... I mean it sounded silly but I thought well...maybe weed plants are super sensitive when young lol.
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    Beans finally popping but they are all droopy as hell..what do fam? (Pics)

    I don't even have the light turned on yet. Woops. I thought I was supposed to wait till I see green? Wrong? Should I turn it on now? oops lol
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    Beans finally popping but they are all droopy as hell..what do fam? (Pics)

    Update: They all still look like shit. 3 of the 7 had shells that needed to be removed. Doing so didn't seem to change much. The last pic at least has some green trying to open up. ughhhh.
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    Beans finally popping but they are all droopy as hell..what do fam? (Pics)

    Thanks guys. Should I use my fingers to rip the remaining shells off or just let it go?
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    Beans finally popping but they are all droopy as hell..what do fam? (Pics)

    A) I'm overwatering B) I'm underwatering C) I'm living up to my username, that's what they are supposed to look like. Just keep doing what I'm doing.
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    7 beans, day 4, only 1 has broken through the coco. Now what?

    I don't think I let them dry out between watering sessions but I might have. I'm brand new and my eye for this sucks. The coco was definitely still dark every time I have watered. It was only watered at most an inch deep though. I'm in 3 gallon pots so most of the medium I left dry per Youtube...
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    7 beans, day 4, only 1 has broken through the coco. Now what?

    All the beans are fresh, from a name-brand autoflower company (Sweet Seeds). So obviously I did something wrong. I put the beans straight in the coco and watered the coco with a water bottle so as to be gentle. I give them a spray every 8 hours with room temp water. The ambient temp is 73F and...
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    How do those in the "legal" marijuana industry spend their money?

    Yes, this was my understanding as well. So, ultimately the question is are most small time growers better off not claiming their weed money to the IRS if they intend on making purchases over 10k? Obviously in the car buying scenario if one were to pay via certified check form 8300 is not...
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    How do those in the "legal" marijuana industry spend their money?

    "Legal" not legal, because as we all know ultimately there is no such thing as legal marijuana revenue in the United States. Ten years ago when I was friends with a dispensary owner his lawyer advised him to pay federal taxes under some vague "farm revenue" reference. The lawyer felt that if...
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    How wet should my coco be when I put the seeds into them?

    This coco was a brick 24 hours so it is still pretty wet from the washing. Will this coco drown the seedlings if it's still too moist? Thanks.
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    delete plz