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  1. thoumayest

    What's wrong with these leaves?

    Your little "tip" added much to this community and helped alot of us as I know most of us were adding straight acid out of the GH bottle right into the nute solution. You should create a guide or start a thread...that I"m sure will be Sticky. +rep
  2. thoumayest

    Why flushing is a myth yes and no explained!

    So are you saying... - Cut the entire tree from start - Cut the non usable fan leaves - Let plant dry 100% - Then trim and cure (if I agree from my experience but I just dislike trimming dried seems like twice the work)
  3. thoumayest

    Slow Yelling of Leaves... Taking Over Entire Garden... Ahhhhh Yellow Yellow GO AWAY

    Word. Okay. I have started to attempt to PH balance the res (45 gallon) a day before I know I'm going to either water or nute. Yesterday I flushed with 7.0 PH ... I ran it a bit high due to the consensus that the PH is to low. Have not checked run off as I think this is a very good estimate...
  4. thoumayest

    Music to medicate to

    Dam. Forgot all about that. Nicccce.
  5. thoumayest

    How cold can my plants get?

  6. thoumayest

    New club house open at GC3.

    Good look. Okay...but on the does it work bro. I don't want to step on any toes. I just happened to have some extra (fire) ... and thinking of giving it a try. Maybe take care of insane electric bill (ugh) and meet some like minded people. Should one wait until they have someone to...
  7. thoumayest

    New club house open at GC3.

    Buy some really really strong Womans Citrus body spray in the biggest bottle you can find. It's usually about 6 bucks at Wallie World. Shit's gold. Reduces green smell with Citrus. I found out by accident lol. I bought a car from this chick and she left the spray in the truck ... on day I was...
  8. thoumayest

    How do you Roll It Up? Pictures Please :)

    Niccce. You must be around my way. I think someone passed away and left like 100 of these things around the area. I'm a thrift store Antique hound.... one day I walk in a thrift store in Flint and see like 20 so I buy 20 lol. Then I go to Holly Goodwill and see another 15... I buy them all...
  9. thoumayest

    Plum Crazy Purple .... Anyone got the word?

    Does anyone have the word on Plum Crazy Purple...I've been on a quest for over a month now. Closest I have came is a gent over seas. :confused:
  10. thoumayest

    New club house open at GC3.

    How would you rec a vendor get started up there. I thought of giving it a try. Have quality meds and have a passion for helping those in need. I went up there a few years ago and it was so loosey goosey it spooked me off. Also heard some stories from a guy that went up there to vend and said he...
  11. thoumayest

    New club house open at GC3.

    Cool. How does G3C work...I'm about twenty minutes away... thought of dropping in. Do they offer tables for rent?
  12. thoumayest

    How do you Roll It Up? Pictures Please :)

    No..imo. It's more of a novelty to me. Yes sometimes they do get a good burn but mostly not. It is good to have a pack in the gear for those moments when the bud is just perfect for a cello burn. The bud has to have a certain cure to burn well. Other words... I have found some strains burn...
  13. thoumayest

    How cold can my plants get?

    Not good bro. Good although stressed they should be fine if those temps are less than 24 hours. Although it does depend on strain sometimes.
  14. thoumayest

    Could extensive feed of molasses give harsh/bad taste?

    I concur for the most part. I use it up to the last flush. Too much molasas taste will create a thick deep cloudy smoke when the green is burned and will also have a tinge of molasses not to mention it will stain your teeth (true story). The key with molasses is the dose. If used properly it...
  15. thoumayest

    Bud it manageable or static to the strain?

    I just bought this and everyone has a different theory about how to use the shooting powder... it is way way to expensive to run for full flower or even half.
  16. thoumayest

    Bud it manageable or static to the strain?

    I wondered about this... I have wanted to pull some huge fan leaves off but never did in concern of hurting the lady. Please elaborate on how you Defoliate:idea:
  17. thoumayest

    It's really fucking cold out

    Got mine yesterday from ssc. The mail man had me sign for the package and then handed me nothing and started to walk away..."Dude! um I think there is supposed to be a package with this....?" lol.
  18. thoumayest

    It's really fucking cold out

    So I have been waking up for the past week ... first thought. "God thank you for another day" Second thought "Dam it's cold...I"m worried about my Seeds...will they die in the cold???" I remember reading in an old book a while ago... about the 1:10 ratio. If one is thinking it or if "it" has...
  19. thoumayest

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?
  20. thoumayest

    What's the worst strain and breeder you've dealt with?

    Ch9 Seeds Commercial Worst strain I have ever dealt with or smoked period. It was so bad I actually saved a sample lol. The plant was a complete B. She would start to develop the prospect of massive buds but refused to dense out. She took up a massive portion of the garden like a F'ing light...