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  1. thequestionis

    Call me stupid..

    good idea with the string.. i just dont know if its gonna be too much water at once if i completely cut it off.. and one more quick question. I still have all my old nutes from the soil grow, their ff.. and I was wondering if I could use them in hydro also to avoid buying another set?
  2. thequestionis

    Call me stupid..

    Well I just finished harvesting my first grow in soil.. and have made the transition into hydro. Im doing a drip system. I've got a pump, and I seem to have a small problem. The water is not going to the small hoses that go to my plants.. its just going through the big one and then flowing back...
  3. thequestionis

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    damn it. thanks for the info man.. lets hope my other two plants dont get affected :(
  4. thequestionis

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    thanks for all the help, as of now i dont have a mag.. but i really wanna get it out of here cause im scared for my other two plants.. im just gonna harvest it i think.. their really deep in my cola, im afraid of rupturing them. next grow im gonna get some bomb clones instead of bagseed :)
  5. thequestionis

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    - because the plant right next to the hermie has no bananas so far and i wanted to finish that one out.
  6. thequestionis

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    yeah its just bagseed.. my friend found a bunch of seeds in his weed one time and i decided to see what came out of them.. well this is what happend :( im almost done flowering, its been over 8 weeks into flower. what do you guys think about just harvesting it? I dont wanna just throw it out..
  7. thequestionis

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    NOO! i have two more plants in there.. what would you do?
  8. thequestionis

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    Please don't tell me my girls turned into a hermie... I think those look like balls.. but I've never had a hermie. please help!:!:
  9. thequestionis

    HELP! Are these bananas?!

    :-| Please don't tell me my girls turned into a hermie... I think those look like balls.. but I've never had a hermie. please help!
  10. thequestionis

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    oh okay. haha. what do you think about my girls? how much more time should i give them?
  11. thequestionis

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    mine or weedstuff's?
  12. thequestionis

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    So I chopped down the other plant, heres a pic of two of my other ones. the pics labeled 1 are one plant, and the ones labeled 2 are the other one :) what do you think?
  13. thequestionis

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    okay thanks, Great post btw
  14. thequestionis

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yeah its my first grow.. I'm planning on doing a few things different next time... so I should chop it?
  15. thequestionis

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    How much time do you think I have? I have no idea whats going on with this girl.. I flushed her, gave her more lights, and she looks worse every day. :( I think I'm just gonna harvest.. should I?
  16. thequestionis

    8th week of flowering leaving drooping and curling under!

    LOL my temps are usually between 80-85 during the day, and ill be putting in more lights in tomorrow, thanks :)
  17. thequestionis

    8th week of flowering leaving drooping and curling under!

    So I'm in my 8th week of flowering. I have 4 plants in soil started from bagseed. I'm using ff nutes and soil. I havent used anything but filtered ph'ed water for about 2 weeks now... Their under a 150w hps light.. and i have 2 intake and 1 exhaust fast.. also another fan blowing on the...
  18. thequestionis

    Complete Newbie, First Grow with bagseed (Help is welcome!)

    Heres a few pictures.. the girls where looking so good i couldnt help photographing them :D The buds are starting to get plump, and i can see the hairs turing amber.. almost done i think!
  19. thequestionis

    Complete Newbie, First Grow with bagseed (Help is welcome!)

    havent posted in a while, but heres an update. So ive constructed a whole new grow tent for my girls, there where getting so close to the light that i pretty much had no more room for them! The tallest one is about 36 inch from stem to top :) heres a few pictures of the set up. im still using...
  20. thequestionis

    4th week of flowering leaves curling under!

    okay great thanks ill do that.