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  1. Joker209

    Jokers second journal

    Fuck it you niggas ready? These pictures are from the dates taken. Here's my LST girl from seed and I was worried it may turn male but it got hairs on it so I'm hella happy. My GDP girl that was given to me and was in rough condition when I got her but she looks way better now. This is Kandy...
  2. Joker209

    Jokers second journal

    Aight homie good to have you up in the 209 :D I deal with Rog or Chris but yea Roger owns the place. Aight guys here's 1 of the plants I have going right now.
  3. Joker209

    Jokers second journal

    It's easy to supplement water to too much perlite but it's hard to get aeration to muddy soil so I would personally prefer too much perlite to not enough :D
  4. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    I saw that and also posted some useful information that will help your seedling get a nice and strong start.
  5. Joker209

    How to germinate seeds

    This is all basic knowledge but I'd say keep her humid and keep the soil moist. Not too much light needed right now until those sucker leafs come out (small round leafs) then you can up from 1 cfl - 2 cfls and move em closer, then when she gets her 3 point leafs you can add a couple more bulbs...
  6. Joker209

    Jokers second journal

    Haha I see what ya doin homie. You want me back in my journal keeping you all updated on my grows. Ok well this thread will become active tomorrow. I will post some pictures of everything I have going right now but it is nothing like what the first post in this thread says. It is going to be...
  7. Joker209

    Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)

    Good to hear men missed having you guys around. Glad to have you back. I would recommend transplanting but make sure you do take a couple leafs off the plants to it makes it easier for them to adapt to their new environment. Good luck and happy growing.
  8. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    Anywhere from 13 hours to 8 days. I get roots in about 20 hours typically with the seeds I have.
  9. Joker209

    Newbie Master Kush Crop

    Have fun man hope everything goes as well as this last grow but may I ask why you are only germinating 1 of each seed? Are they feminized? I just wanted to add a picture of my upside down lady :D
  10. Joker209

    Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)

    Dude glad to see you back. I wanted to give you some of that useful information that you loved so much with this previous grow. Take some of the leafs off so the plant adjusts easier. If it has a lot of leaves it will have trouble getting the amount of light needed to supplement what it got...
  11. Joker209

    How to germinate seeds

    I accidentally left mine in for 2 weeks and they happened to grow inside there without light or soil. You should be able to get away with a few days but I wouldn't recommend that you leave them as long as I did.
  12. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    I think you should use this
  13. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    The reason the plants need their rest is because during the dark period they work on other things like their roots and evening out nutrients and using certain built up salts and sugars. The metabolism of a plant is not much different than a person. When the plant is young it can run non stop...
  14. Joker209

    Newbie Master Kush Crop

    I just got some new strains in the ground so I may be starting a new outdoor thread. I also have a topsy turvey going right now that I just tied some weights to to make her not so fish hooked :D Some Ogre, GDP, Red Kush, Early Girl (not mine :D ), and some Blue Dream. This harvest is going to...
  15. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    Trust me once they take off there is no slowing down for a while so just sit back a couple days and then once that pop sit back and enjoy the ride :D Anyone can tell you the same. I've actually lost my spidermites when my plants went outside haha weird enough. I think there are just more...
  16. Joker209

    How to germinate seeds

    Try either way but I am growing the root down. I have been growing for 5-7 years (give or take) and have never had a problem with root down. Has always worked best for me.
  17. Joker209

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    After the seeds crack and send out a tap root you can stick them into soil and they will grow. If you want use a white semi-see-through cup and wait until you see roots on the sides and bottom to transplant. Great method for beginners. 24 hours of light is fine for the first week or 2 but I...
  18. Joker209


    That's funny I just answered a question very similar to that. Maybe it could help. If not you can contact me any time :D Actually I know you've heard the terms of "Dialing it in" correct? This actually refers to what you're asking about the on off schedules. Best way to test is run it...
  19. Joker209

    MrCool's Super Grape Ape, Hindu Kush x Skunk #1 CFL + HPS Medical Grow

    Dude I'm fucking jealous!! That's awesome. I bet it smells nice in that school :D